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Bertuzzi v. Moore settles out of court

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Not sure how reliable this is, but figured I'd post it anyway...

"Steve Moore awarded $22 million in his settlement with Bertuzzi.

NHL insurance picks up $15 million while the remaining $7 million split between Bertuzzi, The Canucks and Orca Bay Sports.

Likely Bertuzzi only pays max $3 million. He made $60+ million in his career."

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Per TSN.ca article, Moore's brother says that he heard from Steve that there is no settlement.

And Mark seems to blame the effects of the concussion on his brother's inability to make decisions. There is some serious posturing/bitterness there. There could be one more spasm of ugliness before this is all over. I can't imagine even a novice lawyer announcing a settlement without his client's consent and signature, so something strange is going on behind the scenes here.

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And Mark seems to blame the effects of the concussion on his brother's inability to make decisions. There is some serious posturing/bitterness there. There could be one more spasm of ugliness before this is all over. I can't imagine even a novice lawyer announcing a settlement without his client's consent and signature, so something strange is going on behind the scenes here.

It was Bertuzzi's lawyer saying that a settlement was done. I just think he just jumped the gun. Whether or not his announcement was to put pressure on Moore to settle, that is an interesting question. It wouldn't surprise me to find that the NHL is pushing for a settlement to keep people off of the stand. We have already seen Bertuzzi and Crawford each try to push the other under the bus.

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It was Bertuzzi's lawyer saying that a settlement was done. I just think he just jumped the gun. Whether or not his announcement was to put pressure on Moore to settle, that is an interesting question. It wouldn't surprise me to find that the NHL is pushing for a settlement to keep people off of the stand. We have already seen Bertuzzi and Crawford each try to push the other under the bus.

Despite Mark Moore's statement, Bertuzzi's lawyer is still saying that the settlement is signed and binding, at least according to ESPN. This could be incredibly embarrassing for him if he is simply trying to apply pressure or doesn't understand the state of play. The only other explanation I can imagine is that the mediator mis-stated the binding effect of any agreement that had tentatively been reached during recent meetings. Maybe Moore's side played along, but always intended to go to full-blown litigation and Bertuzzi's side thought they had reached a true and binding agreement. It's hard to imagine that there would be such confusion with seasoned lawyers involved, though.

As a side note, Crawford had very complimentary things to say about Bertuzzi this morning--I think it was in Kukla's, perhaps premature, post-mortem on the litigation.

What good can come of this blowup? I suppose I hope it makes the league even more sensitive about headshots and gratuitous violence, and I hope both men get some measure of peace soon.

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One thing I've learned thru the years, no settlement is done until you see both sides at the press table saying it is done. Anything else is posturing.

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