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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton V9E vs. Warrior QR1

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Same price everywhere I look...there are more reviews of the Easton...but the QR1 intrigues me. Probably looking at the E3 (Hall) blade pattern, 75 flex. I'm no super star out there, but I do like a light stick and mostly play forward (beer league). 165lbs, 5'9"...prefer wrist and snap shots. Thoughts? I am leaning toward the Easton...I have read mostly good things there, minus some durability issues. Also read some great things about the QR1, but seems relatively untested. Other considerations would be a V7 or the QR Pro...both about $60 cheaper.

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If you are looking for the lighter stick the QR1 is lighter than the V9E, so that would be a leaning point towards the QR1. The reason you are not seeing as many reviews for the QR1 compared to the V9E is because of the time on the market. As for other comparisons, they will have similar feel (not exact same) of flex profiles, but have slightly different blade feel and similar (not same) shaft dimensions. Both are going to be great options for you. I would also take reviews with a grain of salt as everyone has their preference and what may work great for one most likely would not for another, that's why each company has multiple offerings. I would suggest if you have the availability to find a place you can try both options and decide for your self which feels better

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