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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2015 NHL Winter Classic

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Kinda tired of seeing the same teams over and over. Where's Minnesota, Vancouver, Edmonton, etc...?

Because none of those teams have any real name recognition for casual fans. The NHL knows that hockey fans are already watching these outdoor games. Making sure Crosby, or Ovechkin or the Rangers or Blackhawks...names that non hockey fans will recognize...are in the game is important to them. And, for the US market (which is really all they care about...Canada is watching regardless) unless you are the Leafs or Habs...the League doesn't want a Canadian team spotlighted on Jan 1.

Parise and Suter make huge money playing in Minny and are big stars...but ask someone who isn't a hardcore hockey fan who they think are the highest paid players, their names are't coming up.

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Noone complains that Dallas and Detroit always host the 2 Thanksgiving NFL games.

people always complain about that, that's one of the reasons they made the third thanksgiving game.

The heritage classic was made for the Canadian teams, and you don't see smaller market teams playing because if TV and the league needing it to be a spectacle

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Noone complains that Dallas and Detroit always host the 2 Thanksgiving NFL games.

People complain every year. The NFL doesn't care because people, including myself, will tune in after over-eating. The NFL has a tighter grip on their fans in comparison to other professional leagues in N.A. They added a third game because it means more $$$.

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