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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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9 or 11 inch radius?

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I got a "medium forward" pitch, I don't know how that translates to the +1,+2 system. It is a Bauer One.7 with Step Steel runners.

I also tie my skates on the loose side, not sure if that makes a difference in perceived maneuverability compared to someone who tightens their skates real tight and tapes their ankles.

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I grew up playing ice, then played roller for 5 years in cali, when i went back to ice my old skates that had 9' radius felt weird and unbalanced. I had it profiled to 11' and they feel a lot better now. 9' was fine and definitely manageable, but I feel like with 11' I have to put a lot less effort into keeping balanced and can just focus on getting an efficient powerful stride. Feels good, I'm sure I could have adjusted, but at the end of the day it wasn't an expensive change and its one less thing I'm thinking about so I can just play.

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So did you put any pitch on them? And what did you notice, at first, because you must be adjusted to it now, about turning and transitions, Mohawks, turning/transition type moves?

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Update on radius switch - so I had an extra set of steel profiled to 11' with a +2 pitch. Tried two pick-up sessions with them. Overwhelming difference between 9' and 11' as far as agility in turning, quick lateral movements, etc. Though, I did feel a noticeable increase in overall stability and glide.

Still can't justify making the jump though, just didn't like the loss of agility, and that's paramount for my game, as weak as it is.

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