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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Zinger

  1. ^^ TITAN ASD OMGGGGG My fav stick of all time!
  2. Helmet: Nike Bauer 4500, black Cage: Nike Bauer 9500, chrome Shoulder pads: CCM SP200 Elbow pads: Easton S1 Gloves: Reebok 8K KFS (black), Nike Bauer Supreme One90 (2 pairs), 1 pair all black, 1 pair black and white, Pants: Reebok 5K Shin pads: CCM Vector 6 Skates: CCM U+ Pro Reloaded Bag: Reebok 5K Sticks: (In order of preference) 1) TPS R8 Lite Special Edition (Frolov/95) 2) NBH Supreme One95 (Staal, 77) 3) RBK 10K (Datsyuk/85) 4) Warrior AK27 Shaft w/ AK27 blade (Kovalev/85) 5) CCM Vector 10 Shaft w/ Bauer One90 Blade (P88/100) 6) Easton Synergy ST with Sherwood 950 Blade (Stastny/100) 7) TPS R2 w/ Sherwood 950 blade (Coffey/85) 8) RBK 5K (Datsyuk, 85)
  3. Rousseau Sports here in Montreal has it at 2 of their locations...so i would try a Pro Hockey Life store in the GTA (Same as rousseau) They charge $60 here i think
  4. well in that case, go for it. To be honest with you, i doubt that spending so much money on a that machine will be worth it, the U+ just isn't nearly as popular as the Bauer Skates. i would concentrate on pushing bauer skates.
  5. IMHO I find that getting your skates fitted by someone who knows their stuff is way better than that FIT machine. That machine is useful if you have a bunch of n00bs who dont know anything about skates working at your store only
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