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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lower back pain/pumps during games?

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Hello everyone, I’ve been noticing recently that towards the middle of my games I’m starting to get extreme lower back pumps that are killing my performance. I never really had this problem until recently. I’m only 20 (21 in 6 days!) so I don’t think is muscle fatigue or even a pulled muscle because I’m usually fine at the start of games. It kinda reminds me of the lower back pumps I got while taking creatine in highschool. 

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Pretty new to skating, right?

My guess is that you're bending at the waist too much and not enough at the knees, but that's just what I've read.  :-)


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Stretch those hips. Hockey players are notorious for having some of thee worst hips of any athletes and when your hips are tight they pull on your back. Ive had this problem since i was like 7, and when im on top of stretching the issues persist. 

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By "pumps" do you mean small spasms?  If so, the above is correct - they are a result of not enough knee bend, poor hip flexibility, and/or a weak core.  Those three things in combination put strain on the lower back.  To alleviate them during a game, try bracing - contract your stomach muscles by trying to focus on pushing your bellybutton down towards your hips while pulling in.  Hold for a few seconds and then release.  repeat a few times. It will engage your core and take the strain off of your lower back.  You can do this while sitting on th bench, or lying flat on the ice on your back between periods.

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