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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. That's really nice. Can you please share a pic? I wish to see which t-nut you used. Mine was replaced by a local shop. I think it's a nut from a helmet, not exactly a t-nut.
  2. I have been using my Sparx to Step, LS3, Massive and now Tydan which are all tall blades. My STEP blades lost too much of heel and toe getting square-shaped. I have been using the machine toe facing right from the beginning of the use. Maybe I am hitting too high on the toe, but otherwise, the toe gets a little bump on the top or square-shaped. Do I need to use the goalie risers for tall blades? I have been worried about my blade's shape getting weirder all the time.
  3. I switched to new True skates after two years of my first VH pair last September. A week ago, the left tendon guard got broken. TBH not sure what happened, I just found it broken during a game. I am getting a new tendon guard with the warranty and thinking about replacing the rivet to t-nuts and black truss head bolt from Bauer. I have replaced one of my VH skate to t-nut before and kinda wondering why True is not replacing the rivet. Is there a certain reason why? I wish to know if there's any negative side of replacing the rivets to t-nuts before I replace both of my new skates. I am pretty sure once I switch to t-nut, I can not go back to rivet because of the size of the hole. https://ibb.co/55NsB4y https://ibb.co/m5Vcx8z have no idea how it's broken https://ibb.co/52JjBPT last pic my old VH with truss head bolt
  4. i am so excited about x:60 gloves can wait
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