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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Thanks for the reply. I play 1 time a week in a house league for about 14 weeks a year. I was looking into the NLS:04. I play somewhat aggressively. We play on a small rink so alot of starting and stopping. I wanna say my Tour's have the Hi-lo setup but i'll doublecheck. The Tours are a bit bulky and aren't molded to my feet well at all. The weels are a bit harder too so they will at the very least need replaced if used. I might try putting my Hi-Lo wheels from my broken Missions on my Tours before buying a new pair.
  2. My Mission 3500 Quatro Helium's broke and I need to find a new pair of skates. I tried an old pair of Tours that I have and they felt....strange. I don't know why my Tours feel so strange after playing in Missions but they felt bulky and I didn't feel as in control or confident. I'm convinced I need a new pair of skates even though i've got 2 pair of Tours that are in good shape. The Mission Heliums are from 2006 if my research serves me correct. Much time has passed since then but can anyone recommend a pair that would feel similar? I do not know if the 3500 was a higher end skate or not. I bought them used and am not sure what would be a good equivalent. I did not know there would be such a difference in feel between skate brands and know I need something similar to my last pair. Thanks in advance.
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