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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

CH Goalie 39

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  1. Do your gloves match. Color at least? Now. I don't know if i should start a new topic for this but, who do you think out of all these 13 pages, has the BEST LOOKING gear? I'm gonna give my reward to colaccord with the X-factors and the Vortek Logics in the black white silver color scheme. Very nice. (Page 12)
  2. Holy Christmas. I've never gotten a chance to see many of these pads. How are these RX-9s working for you? I heard their stiff.
  3. Wow. I would do unspeakable things for your pads man. The black and white is just amazing. The R8s?
  4. Oh i see it. Yeah but nice stuff though.
  5. Looks like a save to me... Is that the puck in your glove pocket?
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