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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey Shop in Copenhagen, Denmark?

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Sorry if this is redundant, I did a search but most of the results I found were 5-6 years old or about about chew, haha;

I'm visiting my girlfriend in Copenhagen, Denmark and wanted to know if there are any shops around here that sell hockey equipment. I mostly just want to browse but if would be interested in picking up something interesting that is hard to find in the States. So far the only shop I've found through online search is Stadium, so I was hoping that a local/someone that has visited recently would have some tips for me. Any info would be much appreciated :)

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Hey, not a local though.



Cant remember any more atm.

How about going to Malmö in Sweden?

Thanks for the tips! I had a feeling a trip over to Malmo would be the best option but we didn't get around to it on my visit this time. I kind of gave up on checking out a shop this time after realizing that CPH just really isn't a hockey city.

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