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The Walking Dead is the worst TV show of all time.

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I gave up on the walking dead after the third season. Once they brought Woodbury into the equation and made it more about people drama than surviving the zombie apocalypse, I pulled the plug.

Not even close to the worst TV series of all time though. One that hasn't been mentioned is Long Island Medium. That show makes me want to rip out my eyes and pour molten lead in my ears.

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Sons of Anarchy, while I won't call it the worst, has suffered in the last couple years. It started off as a gritty biker gang meets Sopranos kind of thing...but now it just seems like Kurt Sutter wants the greatest trail of blood leading to a finale in TV history.

Mind you...I'm still watching it.

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Sons of Anarchy, while I won't call it the worst, has suffered in the last couple years. It started off as a gritty biker gang meets Sopranos kind of thing...but now it just seems like Kurt Sutter wants the greatest trail of blood leading to a finale in TV history.

Mind you...I'm still watching it.

Sutter seems to have an unhealthy fascination with anal rape. I watched the first season, but find the plotlines after that to be too far fetched. The Shield was much better.

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Do we want to include kid shows. Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp, Lidville, Banana Splits...pretty much any of those 70's shows. I am surprised we made it through childhood.

I also can't take the fake, I mean scripted, reality shows. The only time I want to see the Kardashians is if they are all in a bus driving off a cliff. And I really think any type of clairvoyant, medium, fortune teller should be arrested and fined for what they do.

Another one that comes to mind...Bigfoot Hunters or as I like to call it, The Bigfoot Comedy Hour. My biggest hope (next to the Kardashians in a bus) is for there to actually be a Bigfoot and see him bust out of the trees and make Bobo and the other two dudes his bitches. At least the women has some common sense and doesn't think every breeze or odd smell is a Bigfoot fart.

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The Shield had its share of ridiculousness. It is funny how most of the cast of that show has turned up on Sons at one time or another.

True, but not nearly at the shark jumping magnitude of SOA.

Do we want to include kid shows. Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp, Lidville, Banana Splits...pretty much any of those 70's shows. I am surprised we made it through childhood.

I also can't take the fake, I mean scripted, reality shows. The only time I want to see the Kardashians is if they are all in a bus driving off a cliff. And I really think any type of clairvoyant, medium, fortune teller should be arrested and fined for what they do.

Another one that comes to mind...Bigfoot Hunters or as I like to call it, The Bigfoot Comedy Hour. My biggest hope (next to the Kardashians in a bus) is for there to actually be a Bigfoot and see him bust out of the trees and make Bobo and the other two dudes his bitches. At least the women has some common sense and doesn't think every breeze or odd smell is a Bigfoot fart.

False, that show was awesome.

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I may be one the only people, but I really cannot stand The Big Bang Theory

No no no, I'm with you on that one too. I've also watched 10 or more episodes of How I met Your mother and not laughed. What is wrong with me?

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Another one that comes to mind...Bigfoot Hunters or as I like to call it, The Bigfoot Comedy Hour. My biggest hope (next to the Kardashians in a bus) is for there to actually be a Bigfoot and see him bust out of the trees and make Bobo and the other two dudes his bitches. At least the women has some common sense and doesn't think every breeze or odd smell is a Bigfoot fart.

That's about the only one of the shows mentioned so far that I have seen for more than ten minutes. Lots of noise = must be sasquatches nearby. No noise = sasquatches must be close.

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I'm gonna guess, wildly this was a troll topic. The #1 show on TV at the moment and a hate thread just seems to draw in the swarm. Being a fan personally, I don't have to "defend" my show, as everyone who's posted since has pointed out the bottom of our entertainment society. You guys missed "Rock of Love" (wife liked it) and any MTV reality show ever showcasing shallow teens.

TWD was never about the zombies, they were always, going back to the comics even, more about the drama of dealing with people in a society without laws and humans going back to a hunter gatherer structure. I find that part compelling. Zombies are just extra entertainment.

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