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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates are too long. Anything I can do?

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Hello everyone,

Recently I have purchased a brand new set of Bauer Supreme One20 hockey skates. I bought them from a private seller. Back when I tried them

on I wasn't that much of an experienced player, so everything seemed okay. At first everything went pretty smooth, I was learning to do different skating drills, like crossovers and hockey stops. But something just seemed not okay. Learning was a huge struggle, and the skate just seemed not to fit my foot very well. When I checked the size, it was 3 sizes bigger than my foot. They were okay when I tried them on because I have a pretty wide foot. But the space in the toe section of the boot is just empty. I live in a country where I am unable to sell them, and I can't get any new skates. Is there any way to fill the toe section by maybe stuffing it with paper or something else, I feel like I will have to get creative here :huh: (p.s. the skates are a size 10.0R while I should be wearing a size 7)

Thanks in advance!

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They are never going to work well for you but since you can't get new skates, I would use some foam in the toe to take up the space. You could also use a sock or part of an old shirt as well. It's not ideal, but you do need to put something there to make it fit more snugly.

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It's not just the length that's the issue. The entire last is 3 sizes to big for your foot, that means the heel pocket is oversized (unless you have really wide ankles). So getting a decent heel lock will be an issue which means your foot will most likely roll in the heel pocket and or lift up and down, at worst this leads to Bauer bumps, blisters and other foot issues. As your foot moves in the pocket it makes learning to skate properly very difficult. Also these are bottom of the range boots, if your foot is rolling in the pocket it can lead to premature break down of the boot. My suggestion would be to sell them on eBay at whatever loss you have to take (if you can sell them as there will not be a lot of bidders after a skate of this spec) and look for something in your size. There is a good buy / sell forum here and most members will help you with shipping etc if you ask.

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Why can't you get new skates?

There's really not a ton you can do to make a bigger boot smaller. If it were the reverse, there would be a few things you could do to help increase size.

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