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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Denver Metro Area

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Anyone have any recommendations for any ice leagues, drop in, or even stick and puck in the Denver metro area that are beginner friendly? 


I'm an ok inline player and I did ice for the first time this winter at evergreen lake. I know how to ice skate. (not particularly well, but I can move with reasonable speed) I never got to play ice as a kid because it was too expensive. But now that I've got a taste I'm itching for more.

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i mostly skate at du these days.  the tuesday/thursday am drop ins are pretty full and might be more than what you're after skill-wise.  sunday morning drop in there used to be more lower-level but even that's changed over the past few months.  they have stick and puck sessions but be aware that there's a fair number of kids there working with coaches, so you have to find a corner and kinda hang out there.


ice ranch (rmhl) has good leagues, maybe something around the e4 division? if you've played inline that might be a good starting spot.

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