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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Changing CCM holders need new holes?

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Currently skating on size 271 SB4 holders and thinking of getting some new skates that come with 263 SB4 holders.


Since I've already invested in some sets of 271 Tydan steel profiled the way I like it, I'm thinking of changing the 263 to 271 on the new skates.


Would that require drilling new holes or would the one size difference on the holders fit the same?



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3 hours ago, Vuronov said:

Currently skating on size 271 SB4 holders and thinking of getting some new skates that come with 263 SB4 holders.


Since I've already invested in some sets of 271 Tydan steel profiled the way I like it, I'm thinking of changing the 263 to 271 on the new skates.


Would that require drilling new holes or would the one size difference on the holders fit the same?



Youll need to drill some new holes. 

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I've seen ppl re drill holes on the actual holders but that's on the Tuuks where there aren't as much of a pronounced "step" surrounding the original holes on the holders. The SB holders have the holes on an area that is raised which would make it nearly impossible to seat the rivet flush if new holes were drilled. 

You can epoxy the old skate boot holes and re drill, or sell ur tydan and buy another set .. work out the cost. I can't imagine the epoxy and redrill would come very cheap. If it's close to the same price as new steel id just get new steel and sell the old ones on sideline. 

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