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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Fix it by Mail?

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So...I found them online.  Did some research, and they seemed to be the easiest choice for me and they have a decent rep. (from what I read). I printed my packing slip, and shipped my gloves today.  I wanted to send them an email, as I forgot to ask for my top hand glove to get an overlay, and I get online and find a page that says they are no longer doing gloves as of July 31.  WTF?  Is that true?  The site that walked me through the shipping process said nothing about not being active anymore.  Not sure what the deal is here.  I tried to call but not picking up on a Saturday.  Not sure what to do here.  Worst case...they come back and I paid for shipping.  Worst worst case...they don't come back, but they're just backups.  Still...I like 'em.

Thanks all!

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If there is a tracking number on the shipment you may be able to ontercept/redirect the package before delivery. Contact the carrier you used to ship.

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FYI...heard from them today...apparently they are still doing repairs. No idea what that web page is all about. I'll let you know how they do.

Thanks again! 

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For anyone interested...they did a great job.  Communication was spotty, and it took about three weeks.  Bottom line...great work...good price, but...you better not need them fast.

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