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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Aussie Joe

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Posts posted by Aussie Joe

  1. Had a bum day yesterday after an unsuccessful long weekend. Rec'd good news from the Docs, re: Police Application. Then, I jumped on the ice coaching our AWIHL team and had a ball working on our goalie's butterfly. My shots were hard and accurate; which they haven't been in ages. Lov'n hockey, lov'n life, free and flying!

  2. Went down to the park to shoot some pucks as I am tearing the bricks apart at home. There is a new wheat postie shoved right in the middle of my shooting zone. So now I get to practice my shoots, cheese and off the bloke's nuts and in.

    Also pictured (in a blur of course, thanks Iphone) are my new Dolo and 2010 Kronik. I love the whip in the Kronik, but I can picture myself breaking it quickly! :sad:


  3. Relative only to your interpretation of "money" and "time". ;)

    Two dates slotted in the next week, hockey is coming along nicely, work is about to change from Finance to Police force and its looking like a white Xmas with some travel in Europe.

    I literally feel like I have confidence radiating out of all the right parts atm. :smile:

  4. yeah i f'in hate that. i've stopped calling for passes at the point, now. by the time they look up, see me, and decide that they'd rather get an assist instead of a shot at a goal, the pass gets picked off anyways. and if you are going to pass it my way, make sure it's hard and crisp. i dont have time to settle down your fluttering grandma pass.

    Ja, I usually play the Tommy Holstrom role in front of the net on my team's PP. However last week in a game, I was kicked out of my posi and the guy in there wouldn't change when we cycled due to an out of posi winger. My shot from the point was off on that game and I didn't want to be taking them.

    To cut it short, my bench was screaming for me to shoot one timer when every pass I got was woeful. wobbly off to the side pieces of crapp that were hard to stop/trap little though one time from. Very frustrating I agree Shotty.

  5. Being in a scoring slump for 2-3 weeks. Could not seem to hit any holes that I normally hit with such confidence. I blamed it on just a slump + switching to a new curve a month or two back.

    Last night, it all come back to me, with a vengeful two goals. first goal, I tapped a rebound out of mid air under a sprawling keeper. Second goal, I came in off the left wing on a break, sniped top corner so perfectly, the puck hit the apex plum, and slammed in.

    All the parts I have been missing; accuracy, power and timing all come together with a spot of luck mixed in.

  6. David, your efforts and story are an amazing one, thats for sure. You are one of my favourite players to watch in the NHL.

    I have one of your quotes on my desk at work (see below), its really enabled me to get through some tough times as of late, changing clubs and moving into different roles in a team. Everytime I get low on my game ,listen to too many haters or need to prove myself as a new guy; I read that quote and it gives me perspective.

    Incidently, my new club has offered me any jersey choice, I'm gunning for 57. :)

    "Even when everyone said I was done, I didn't listen, just trained harder. Never give up on your dreams, because even with people down on you, it's what's inside you that will take you to the next level"

  7. Man, I'm going to have to agree with the others, I freaking hate spiders, and from what i hear Aust has some of the most posionious ones

    Man! That's just a wolf spider, if they bite you get a tiny nickel piece of necrosis and thats it. The Sydney Funnell web (very close cousin of your Black Widow) is a deadly sucker alongside the Redback Spider as well.

    Funnily enough when I tried to kill that guy, a cockroach came running out. He forgot about dodging me with the fly spray, grabbed the cockroach and ran upwards into the ceiling space for dinner with the missus. I felt like Steve Irwin for the briefest of moments.


  8. Rink hoggs HockeyMan. Some guys will stay on the ice for 10 mins if not monitored. So the whistle keeps the fitness level of the session up, the hockey quality increases as well beause of the increased pace. Allot of the newer guys (lads who have been playing only 1-2 years) have shown really marked and quick improvement with this method too.

    If we can we try and match lines skill/experience wise as well.

  9. Aussie... it also means bikini clad women trying to skate on the esplanade near my place. I should just set up a beach chair and watch them go by... lycra clad cyclists are too fast, and the ones who walk are usually too stern looking

    Went to check my annual and flex leave schedule for the rest of the year... and I've got enough to basically take the whole of Dec off, as well as ALL the Fridays for the rest of the year... HR policies dont allow me to bring over more than 5 annual leave days to next year, so I have to clear the rest... And this year, I intend to stick to the rule of not checking work emails while I'm on leave.

    Damn! Thats awesome, I need to get that pill business back up and running and find a phat arse pad by the beach. ;-)

    Check MSH instead of work emails dude, much bettter way of replacing an addiction.

    I miss Santa Monica right now. :-(

  10. When you accidently hit someone in the face/visor/helmet it's just good manners to apologise. Even if it means forgetting about the puck and doing it there and then.

    I stress this to my kids all the time when I teach them about how to hold their stick in senior hockey. So many times I have been hit in the head (accidently or not) and no one says a word from the opposing team.

    When you carry yourself with a smidge'n of class in this game it makes a huge difference.

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