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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by in2hockey04

  1. On 3/11/2022 at 5:31 AM, Hockeymender said:

    I am taking a break. I will be returning, I’m just not sure how long my break will be. Lots of overwhelming stuff going on at the moment. 

    Looking at the pictures others have posted makes my decision easy. I'll be hanging on to my Eagles until you're operational again...

    Wish you well... 

  2. 100% the MX3 boots are the issue. I took a shot in the foot Friday night and cracked one of my Tuuk Custom + holders on the one90's. I have 2 spares sets of Custom + holders but I also have a spare set of Tuuk Edge holders. So I thought, well I can rule out the steel right now and mounted the Tuuk Edge holders with the Tydan steel on the one90's. After about 10 minutes on the ice yesterday I felt completely comfortable with the slightly different profile and I'm sure that tonight I wont even know the difference...  Years ago when the Lightspeed 2 Power holders (garbage) continued to break, I decided to start bolting the holders on, much like the Graf setup. This makes it really easy to change holders and in this case experiment with the Tuuk Edge holders/steel on my one90 boots. So now the million dollar question, Graf's? Vapors? Supremes? True? and have Edge Holders mounted on them? 

    Side question: Does the Bauer fit system only change the width or is it the height of the boot as well? 

  3. 12 hours ago, flip12 said:

    True had a satisfaction guarantee with the TFs. I’ll say again maybe give the Catalyst a shot if they offer that when they release. For the trial period, I don’t know if they’ll allow swapping the holder, but you could have the steel profiled to match what you’re used to, to have a better apples to apples comparison.

    It’s strange the Bauer service rep. is so confident you’d like the thick felt tongue; one90 tongues were far from that.

    Totally agree on the tongue,  I thought that was weird too, from the looks of what he recommended the tongue is more like what was on my 4000's. 

    I tried something last night at stick time with my 11 year old, prior to my skate. I put on my mx3's and removed the flex insert completely (dumb design IMO). What a vast improvement! Without the insert I had much more forward lean. I didn't feel so locked into the boot and upright plus the steel felt great. Not perfect but at least I feel like I can use them in a pinch until I find the right skate.  

    I have a lot to think about in the off season... 

    Appreciate everyone's input! 

  4. Straight from Bauer customer service:

    "Hi Edward,

    Thank You for the e-mail.  So this was our lowest profile skate meaning the old One90’s.  The closet skate to that One90 is our now Vapor line , however those are no longer in the market place.  So the model that would be most equivalent to the One90 skate would be the Vapor 3X line of skates.  I would be confident that you’ll like the classic 48 oz felt tongue, on the 3X skate, this is a Digi composite + quarter package, which is extremely light weight however this is the closest skate currently that would line up with the Bauer Nike One90’s.  I understand what you mean with the tongue of the MX3, this was something we tried and some loved it and others did not.  We did have the tongue inserts to make them as stiff as they wanted and or a non-stiff as they wanted.

    I Hope this helps..




  5. 1 hour ago, Griff said:

    This may seem like a fairly off-the-wall suggestion but have you looked at Grafs? The one90 was a fairly low-volume, low-cut boot. Given how long I'm assuming you've been skating on them (I don't know for sure maybe you're on your 5th pair, I'm on my 6th pair of 8090's) they have to be pretty damn soft by now. Looking at something like a Graf 703, which is still available in North America, may be a decent solution. Should be pretty easy to put Tuuks on so you can keep your steel. 

    Part of the reason I make the suggestion is that although I've been able to keep myself in 8090's for the time being through ebay and sideline swap, I've also tried more modern skates and they just do not work for me. It lead me to look at Graf 755's as a suitable alternative and I'll probably purchase a pair soon. 

    I had a pair of 705's years ago and they were pretty good, wore them for a few seasons.

    My buddy is telling me the same thing, go back to Graf's and have the Tuuks mounted on them.

    If I remember correctly the only reason I didn't like them was most likely because of the difference in runner profiles and not so much the boot fit. 

    Now I'm looking at just the opposite, steel is fine, boot not so much. 

    Started in the 70's with the old steel holder CCM Super Tacks, quickly switched to Bauer (whatever model), then 2000's then 4000's, Graf 705, then tried CCM Super Tacks again (for about 1/2 a season) then my one90's and of course the MX3's that I'm struggling with. 

    I'll post a pic later of my one90's just for laughs... 

    What size are you wearing in Graf's in relation to your Bauer size? I squeeze my feet into a 6D Bauer and I have a size 8 foot.   





  6. 12 hours ago, caveman27 said:

    Just curious, have you compared the old blades from your one90s to the Tydan Edge SS? Are they close? It sounds like the profile is longer on the Tydan blades. Shorter radius profile will help with turns and transitions, but north-south skating will have more resistance and make you more tired than longer radius profile. 

    Matched up they are nearly identical.... noicing sports and Tydan themselves recommended their edge ss.

    I was already questioning the boot as being the culprit and now based on everyone's input I am almost certain. 

    I have LS Fusion, LS3, LS4 and now Tydan edge ss. The fusion is probably the most different while the LS3 & LS4 are closer but still not really close at all. 

    I can skate with any of them but unfortunately I'm having the same results.

    I'll post if I find a suitable boot comparable to the one90's. 

    Thanks all! 

  7. 44 minutes ago, flip12 said:

    one90s were lower cut than Bauer’s usual and they went back to that from the one95 if I’m not mistaken. Add to that the one90s were tech mesh, with a little more give than Bauer’s CURV boots that came after, and you’re in for a pretty different ride. I’m biased by my taste for lower cut boots, but have you tried Trues on? The upcoming Catalyst line is supposed to have more give, with a flexible tendon guard (another one90 feature) and be about as light as the leading skates from Bauer and CCM. one90 shells molded more than needed up Bauers that followed, and Trues align there as well.

    CCM 100Ks could be another option.

    God I'd hate to have to change brands only because I have so much invested in runners. I heard a lot of good things about True skates in general but haven't tried on a pair. Unfortunately we have limited local accessibility to any skates, our rink pro shop is about it and they have next to nothing. 2 hour drive to the nearest real pro shop and even they are limited. So from the sounds of what you're saying Bauer isn't making a boot even close to the one90's. Thanks for your input!  

  8. Still struggling with this... 

    I been using my one90's all season but decided that I'd give my MX3's another go.

    I purchased Tydan Edge SS, I was informed by both nocing and Tydan themselves that these runners were the closest to the Tuuk Custom+.

    Skated yesterday and they felt awful. Straight away speed was great but turns and forward/backward transitions were terrible.

    I'm starting to really think that it's a boot issue and not the runners/holder at all. 

    Are the Bauer Ultrasonics any better then the MX3's? 

    I'm getting desperate because my one90's are really starting to fall apart. 

    Appreciate any input, also maybe a good boot repair shop?



  9. I'm still wearing my Nike-Bauer One90's, which I absolutely love; although they're really starting to fall apart.. I long ago replaced the lightspeed 2 power holders for the tried and true Tuuk custom pros+.

    In 2014 I bought Bauer's anniversary edition MX3's and struggled to break them in even after baking them. I started using them with regularity in 2018 but have never felt like I skated nearly as smooth and as fluid as I did with my one90's.

    This season I switched back to my one90's and it was night and day.  

    Can anyone suggest a current Bauer model that would be close to what the one90's were? The interchangeable tongue system on the MX3's is a disaster in my opinion and may be the contributing factor...

    All my steel has always been rockered and sharpened by noicingsports. So the issue isn't my steel... 

    Any input would be appreciated... Thanks!

  10. 9 hours ago, psulion22 said:

    In case you wanted to find them, the Shanahan was the Bauer P10. Some pros are still using them, including Patrick Kane (though his is an extreme lie 7) and Giroux. You can order P10s through Bauer’s “Pro Custom” service. Though you could order P106 too, I think. I’m pretty sure Base is making a P10 clone too. 

    Once I transitioned years ago to the P106 I never looked back.

    I did look at ordering the P106 through Bauer's service and yes you can still order it but to the tune of $300+ a stick, ouch.... 

    I've been looking at CHS's website too and seeing if they have anything close; but I'd like to do more research on their stuff before I pull the trigger. 

  11. I really appreciate your quick response and insight!

    I'm OK at the moment as I still have 3 P106 sticks and I'm only playing twice a week these days; but I know it's just a matter of time before I'm going to be searching for a replacement. 

    Years ago I used Shanahan's curve, until of course they stopped making it because the kids don't know who Shanahan is...Hahaha

    I thought it was the end of the world until I discovered the almighty "P106".... Might be the end of the world again soon... 

    Thanks again! 

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  12. I know that this has probably been covered over the last several years (since I can no longer find these anywhere) but I was hoping someone could give me a short answer to my question. What is the closest curve to the Bauer P106? I can look at a curve chart like anyone else but I want to hear from the Beer Leaguers who are actually using them. Thanks! 

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