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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Miller55

  1. The Bell logo is way too much imo. Seems like they haven't set a standard on helmet ad sizes. Rangers and devil's looked ok, but Habs and the Pens I saw were atrocious. 

    Edit: My point is that they need to standardized dimensions, colors, positioning etc. The only thing from Europe that I'd like to see more of is the Jofa 690 helmets lol

    • Like 3

  2. 10 minutes ago, althoma1 said:

    Yeah, you have a point. If the profiling isn't enough, going to something like the CCM XS holder probably makes more sense since it will have Step available and is still in production. I was just thinking that the CXN was cheaper, he's used to it already and he could stock up on a couple spare holders (at $5 each, why not) and a second set of clearance steel. With the extra parts it should outlast the skate. You're right about him having to get used to a newer holder eventually though. 

    You have a point with the price, definitely a nice deal and cheap enough to load up. I guess he could stock up to last quite a while at that price. The only real loss then is the quick change ability and having to carry a cxn tool around

  3. Hey @althoma1 wouldn't it just be more prudent, if he's going to swap holders, to just go to the xs holder if he's partial to step or lightspeeds if he doesn't have to have step? If you're anyway profiling the runners to -2 to offset the cxn pitch I don't see what the point of chasing down a discontinued holder and runners. Just looking at it from the other side, if he's 15 he's going to eventually have to get used to something else sooner or later, why not just do it now? Better to invest in something that's still in production IMO. 

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  4. It's called the forefoot and it's a very common tight spot for lots of folks. It can be punched out. The issue with a wide is that you can't make skates smaller, so if they're too wide you're out of luck. But if your heel fits a D then the EE will be too loose. I would suggest forgetting about looks and getting skates that fit properly. The performance is better and the safety is also much better

  5. On 12/24/2020 at 6:12 PM, 215BroadStBullies610 said:

    It's a business. There is no "purity" in sports. Enjoy it for what its worth. I have no issue the NHL maximizing its dollar. 

    There is some purity. It's called pickup with the boys. But I hear what your saying and agree 100%. There's no use looking for that Pure hockey in the NHL, but if you're looking for it, it does exist

  6. Inhalers are based on the Bauer Supreme last, so if you like a Supreme you should get whatever size you wear in the old measure of Supremes (prior to fit 1/2/3). Otherwise you can try the CCM Tacks rollers or just have a roller chassis mounted to a Tacks skate that you already like the fit of. Lot of guys just mount rollers on their old skates when they want to get new ones for ice. 

  7. On 12/25/2020 at 4:32 PM, Tucker16 said:

    Cool! Yeah I got my first pair of leather gloves the other day and they are NICE. My franchise have some of they fake stuff but yeah I see why you like them. I didn’t like the QRL cuff at all. It interferes with my elbow pads so bad plus felt weird. It doesn’t flare like the 12. . 

    Oh yeah that's nice, I see how the 12s have like a funnel shaped cuff. I have long arms so I didn't have much issue with the pros, but I liked the tight flex cuff idea. 

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  8. 3 hours ago, Sniper9 said:

     I get all this. What I don't get is if the length of a tf9 6.5d skate is supposedly the same as a 7d Bauer, shouldn't both be using the same holder length, regardless of the number size printed on the skate. 

    The answer is yes, it should, and nevertheless, it isn't. Basically I think this is everyone's complaint, that the number of the size is irrelevant, it's the length of the skate matched with the holder. It's one of the reasons why, as good of a deal as the TF skates are, that deal is pretty much dead when you have to swap holders and pay an extra 1-200 bucks and then try to sell the shift holders which nobody really wants

    • Like 2

  9. 5 hours ago, Tucker16 said:

    Awesome! I love mine. That cuff is out of this world. I have tons of gloves different styles and feels but I think I would always choose the 11k/12. Mine just have standard Nash palms as I’ve always preferred it. I’ve never tried digipalm. Bonus if that’s what you wanted! 

    Definitely. I had a pair years ago but was obsessed with leather gloves (I worked as a leather book binder too, so I have a pretty serious affinity for leather) so I sold the 11ks. 

    Recently played a game in retail qrl pros and loved the mobility And the cuff but wasn't comfortable with the level of protection, so I figured I'd give the 12s another shot.

    If you never tried digital, it's amazing but it's an expensive option and not super durable. I'm not too hard on palms so I can usually get a year out of a pair if I take good care of them, but most people don't get that much life on Digi

  10. 4 hours ago, SirJW said:

    I wonder how durable they are, will it rub off in time? 

    I've definitely seen some guys Who have successfully gotten some if the more intense CCM graphics off. There's a ref where I play who has what look to be og super tacks (2016) that have all the graphics stripped. They look awesome. I haven't seen the Jetspeeds in person so I can't say if they look like that might be an option with the red.


    The flags look nice but don't really appeal to my taste. Part of why I like the 2s pros so much, really simple design, nice and clean

    • Like 1

  11. On 12/21/2020 at 9:09 PM, colins said:


    The paint flaked off in big sections given the shiny/reflective properties but I didn't find the shaft or blade chipped particularly easy. The blade durability was junk though, but most loved the performance up to the point where the blade integrity got compromised.

    The first gen RS with the oval hosel was brutal for durability, I remember kids in peewee and bantam that were breaking them off it seemed on a weekly basis. But the feel/performance was stellar for those that liked them. It wasn't until the S19 that they seemed to make them hold up a bit better.

    I honestly never had this experience. I had the blades going soft or breaking in the RS, but the RS II was great and I had no issues with the CX or S19. HTX and GX I found to be very durable, same with V9E. I did always use a stick that was significant lower flex than I usually used with Easton's, not sure if that changed anything. I use 85 usually, but had no problem with high end Eastons in 65-70

  12. 12 hours ago, shoot_the_goalie said:

    But then you get hooked to ModSquad and start to buy gear, and more gear, then gear you think you need but don't, then gear you don't need at all....    lol.

    And then your wife yells at you to get rid of all the junk and you take it to pias and get $8 Worth of store credit for it all, and you can't even buy 2 rolls of tape for that... And then you have to grapple with the Frightening reality of the fact that all the legendary gear of your youth is worth less than two rolls of hockey tape... And then you cry yourself to sleep because you can't handle the truth....


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    • Haha 1

  13. 13 minutes ago, Koopa said:

    Yeah i hear you. I definitley dont have money to burn but the nostalgia does take over sometimes. I won the CCMs for 10 dollars because they were donated to a charity auction! The vapors were 20 dollars so they arent costing much. Also im only gonna use them for rec skating and getting used to ice again.

    Yeah definitely. Just looking out for ya. It starts slow lol. Enjoy getting back out there, it's great

  14. They were both lower level skates. Not the lowest if I recall, but from the lower tier. 


    A word of advice, though, I would be careful about starting to buy lots of old gear based on your nostalgia. If you have money to burn and space to store it and you don't care, good on you. However, I have seen and personally experienced this whole "getting back into hockey and wanting to buy lots of old stuff I used to love" thing. You end up burning a lot of money and piling up a lot of junk, and you will most likely eventually just catch up with the tech these days and end up with new gear and have nothing to do with all the stuff you bought. Take it from a guy who bought an ultra carbon when he got back into hockey...

    • Like 4

  15. So I am looking into grabbing a pair of hg12 pro stocks. I had a pair years ago but I cannot recall if I wore a 14 or a 15.

    I wear 14" in Eagle for wide fitting 4rolls, and they're usually kinda tight on my hand until they really break in.

    In anatomical style gloves I need a 15", like qrl pro (retails) and even then, my fingers stick out through the gussets, but I have heard that Warrior fingers run a bit on the short side.

    I have heard that CCM pro stock gloves run a half size long, and a 14 might work for me if it's a 14.5 really, and at the same time, a 15" might be fine, but if it's really 15.5 it might be too long. If anyone can shed some light on this I'd appreciate it.

    (For reference, I wear 15 in Bauer 2s pro pro stock and 15 in hgqls. I would like the hg12s to fit snug and not too long or short in the fingers. Thanks)

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