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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Monty22

  1. 8 hours ago, Dmitrakov said:

    We're 128 days in now, over 18 weeks. Maybe the claimed 5 week lead time was a typo, they actually meant 5 months 

    Did they charge your card already? If so I'd do a charge back at this point if you haven't heard anything from them

  2. My son is looking to replace his Reebok 20K Pro shin guards with something lighter and lower profile. He plays high school hockey, both forward and D. When we were looking for options last season there weren't a lot that fit the criteria and fit him. He's  6',195lbs. His legs aren't necessarily huge, but the depth of Bauer Vapor and to a lesser extent the CCM FT series was lacking.  Looking for recommendations for upper end protective that runs deep in the leg channel but isn't overly bulky/heavy. Not sure if such a thing exists. Doesn't have to be current production, I can track stuff down usually.  Haven't seen them in person, but any thoughts on the Sherwood Rekker or Code TMP offerings? Thanks

  3. Reviving an old thread- I've been sharpening for one of my son's high school teammates. His father has a Sparx , but wanted to try FBV.  I put him on 95/75 which he now loves. He's coming from 1/2" on the Sprax. What Fire ring would feel closest to 95/75?  He knows it won't be the same, but Dad is hoping to get close-ish.

  4. It's funny, I'm sharpening for a couple of my son's high school teammates that aren't satisfied with the Sparx sharpening quality.  "This is going to sound weird , but could you do my son's skates?"  

    Keep an eye out for Blackstone X02 or even an X01 if it's just for you. I've had both, they are great machines and I was able to get great deals on both used. They aren't available new from Blackstone anymore, but per the rep I spoke with they don't have any plans to stop supporting that line. 

    Don't be intimidated to learn how to sharpen manually. It's tremendously satisfying and not that hard. It helps tremendously to have an experienced sharpener give you some guidance if possible.  But it's also not the end of the world if you can't.  


  5. 14 hours ago, tjl_48 said:

    I think I'll give one a go. Tried one on yesterday. Lengthwise it was pretty good. Some other features will take some getting used to. I did have a vapor xxxx girdle back in the day. Got rid of it back then cause of the length thing. If I remember I did like the girdle idea though.


    Does everyone just have a Jetspeed shell, or are they pretty universal?

    My son and I both have these. The we found the Jetspeed girdles to run very tight. He's using a CCM PP90 shell (available in longer inseam lengths) and I'm using a Tackla TGS60 . Both are XL.  You would want a + 1 or 2" with the CCMs. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, caseyjones said:

    So I just punched out a hotspot on my new jetspeeds and it looks like it made the plastic material start to crack.  It looks like it’s eventually going to chip away.  I used the rip jaws tool that I just purchased to do the punch.  I didn’t heat the area before I did this



    Why didn't you heat the area first? It would have made the area much more pliable and more likely to retain the shape of the punch out once cooled. Punching material in its cooled, rigid state reacts predictably, as seen in the pictures above.

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