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  1. Hi everyone, This is my first try for a product review, so if you have questions, or parts of the review are not clear, do not hesitate. I hope this can be of value for our members or to internet visitors that end up here. A little bit of context about the reviewer: I play 2 to 4 times a week in low level competitive leagues (during the main season, I play once a week during the summer), mainly as a D-man but also play as a forward. As for shin guards here is a list of the models I played with in the last years: APX2, Ultra Tacks, MX3, Super Tacks and the Super tacks as1 reviewed here. The model review are the CCM Super Tacks as1 shin guards in senior 16". Those were received as a warranty return for my Super Tacks: as they were not in production anymore, so I received from CCM the Super tacks as1 instead. I have been using the Super tacks as1 shins for an entire season, but I use two hockey gear set so, these were used for half my games (still this gives me around 50-60 games with them) while I used the Ultra Tacks for the other half. APX2 and MX3 were sold, and the Super Tacks are broken, obviously. Fit As for the fit, the tacks line from CCM is the only one that fits me an that I can use without taping my shins and won't end up moving like crazy. This is why the Ultra Tacks and the Super tacks as1 are the only shins that I still have, while I sold the others listed above. Also note that the senior 16" is a little bit longer than the APX2 and MX3 in 16", which is OK for me and my long legs. The calf protection being medium density foam inside and HD foam over medium density foam outside make for a nicely forming protection compared to the usual plastic insert offerings. Also, the inside liner as added padding on both sides of the knee so it helps keep it in the right place. A really nice add-on from previous years in the Super tacks as1 is the velcro adjustable calf strap. For my long and slim legs, I would always end up with this strap lock as tight as it could be, but would never be enough. With this add-on, I can shorten the strap so it fits nicely for me. But the detachable bottom portion of the liner seems like a good idea badly executed for anyone playing with the tongue of their skate under the shin guard (as I do), as the exposed velcro would simply stick to the felt of my skate tongue and remove parts of it... Why CCM would not put the hook side of the velcro on the removable part? 🤷‍♂️. Also, the tape groove gimmick is totally useless. Another small detail that bothers me is the AS1 logo gets in the way of the top strap just enough to bother me, as I would've like to be able to use this part to get the strap tighter. For fit, the Super tacks as1 get 8/10. Protection For protection, they are some of the most protective shins one can get, but with one downside, that is quite important for me. The plastic shells are thick an rigid. D3O for the knee cap does its job for front impacts. The added padding in the liner is a really nice addition as it gives better protection for each side of the knee, parts that are not covered by the D3O patch. This right here is to me the nicest addition compared to the previous top of the line models Ultra Tacks and Super Tacks. I have blocked a countless amount of shots with these and never felt pain or even discomfort. The outside calf protection covers a larger area than the previous Super Tacks while it's segmentation provides a better wrap, making for better protection there. But, the inside calf protection is a simple medium density foam (it was the same with the Super Tacks), as opposed to the Ultra Tacks which have a plastic insert. This really is a negative to me as I play with skate fenders and sometimes open my feet to block shots (bad habit, I know), exposing the inside of my lower leg to a ton of hurt if the shots goes higher than anticipated... For protection, the Super tacks as1 get 9/10. Weight This really is were I was surprised when I received these. They are not that heavy compared to other highly protective shins. At 750 grams a piece, my Ultra Tacks are heavier (825) and my MX3 were heavier by a good 50 grams per shin (you can blame the flexorb for that). Still, one can find lower weight in other offerings. For weight, the Super tacks as1 get 7/10. Durability I have nothing negative to say on that part as they are holding up quite well, as most damage is only cosmetic. Still, there is a stitching that is coming undone in a non important part of the shin after 10 months or so. For durability, the Super tacks as1 get 7/10. Intangibles As for intangibles, I am not going to put a score for that, but I will say that I do not like white protection equipment as it always end up yellowing... But for shins, who cares? Conclusion I really think CCM achieved a nice balance between weight and protection here, while some aspects can still be refined or improved. Yet, this is by far my favorite line of shin guards in the market and this model is my favorite so far with a final score of 8/10.
  2. Hello everyone. I'll preface this by saying I'm 6' 1" and 325lbs with short wide feet. The only pair of skates I've ever owned are an old hand me down pair of Bauer Supreme 7000's I got from my uncle in size 10. They've always been way too big but I've made them work in the past. I decided the other day that I'm going to get into playing in adult leagues to lose weight and for an overall love of the game. I went to my local hockey store and they put me on the Bauer 3D scanner. It said I should be in a pair of Bauer Nexus size 6.5D. I tried them on and they were too small. So the guys manually measured my feet and said I should be in a 7.0EE. So they have me a pair of CCM Jetspeed FT460's to try. They felt okay sitting at the store so I picked them up. I couldn't even walk in these things the next day. The toe box crushes my toes on the sides and cuts into the top of my foot when I'm standing. Also my ankles buckle from side to side while trying to walk or stand on them but I've read that it's probably my weight and I need a higher price point skate with more stiffness. I was thinking that maybe the scanner was right about the Bauer Nexus because of the higher volume in the skate but they only come in a D. Any advice that you all could give me would be much appreciated. This is the first pair of skates I've ever bought. Thank you!
  3. Cosmic

    CCM Tacks 7092

    Recent Stick History: STX Surgeon RX2.1, Warrior QR Pro, Easton Mako shaft with Warrior blades 6'2, 215 lbs Position/ style- Winger/ JVR- I like to stand in front of the goalie, create a problem for the opposing D men, and try to deflect shots and knock home rebounds. I can fire some wristers too, when opportunity presents. Definitely not a dangler, not a great skater, but I am strong enough and have an athletic background. Sometimes I put my whole body into my shots, which slows my release. Other times, I like to shoot without any load, which makes for a weaker shot but a quicker/ more masked release. CCM Tacks 7092 P30 75 Flex Grip After having been through about 10 blade patterns (Easton Igninla retail, P88 Kane, P28 Yakupov, P92 Backstrom, PM9 Stamkos, Base BC71 Malkin Pro, Sheiffele pro stock shaved down at the toe), in the last couple of years, I saw the IceWarehouse CCM P30 blade video. I had to question if I was dreaming, as I often thought that a P88/P28 hybrid would be perfect for me (which it turns out to be). I had heard great things about the Tacks sticks- specifically the Ultra tacks, and then saw that the 2.0 line was going back to some Ultra Tacks features (like the soft handle), so I gave the stick a try. Blade/Feel: Incredible. I have never enjoyed a stick with terrific puck feel (I heard that certain sticks had good feel, just never tried them), as I have never splurged on a top-of-the-line stick (either go one down from top, or 2 piece). This blade is crisp. I do not like a dampened feel, and I have never felt pingy. This blade is also very stiff, which I like, as I am 6'2, 215 lbs and work out alot. So, when I feel that I have flexed the blade, and then the puck does funny things, I am not happy. This blade is always reliable. When a pass hits the blade, it makes a "crack" sound as when a wooden bat hits a baseball, and the feedback in the hands is perfect as well. I know the puck has arrived, but there is no vibration, and it just gives a nice feel into my hands. I think that the blade is last year's top of the line Super Tacks or Ultra Tacks blade. I would love to try the 2.0 blade, as I can only imagine it must be better (or perhaps not, and I am just speculating), 10/10 Shaft: I had not used a mid kick, so this was a bit of an adjustment at first. (Now, I struggle with using my QRL pro stock low kick.) The mid kick, coupled with the soft handle and stiff hosel, does not seem to make me lose any speed of release on wrist shots. Everything is much more accurate though, since I feel I can control the blade a little better, when the stick is flexing in my hands, instead of way down at the blade. This is more a Cosmic/ relationship with low kick and mid kick issue, than a Cosmic relationship with this 7092 Tacks stick in particular. As I never used a mid kick before, I did not really know what to expect. Everything seems good now that I have adjusted. Just a note, that I added an internmediate STX Surgeon RX2 end plug, to give me a more natural finger wrap on my top hand. When I have an STX Surgeon RX2 or this extension as the end plug, then I pretty much catch every routine pass. With a traditional T shaft geometry in my top hand, catching easy passes can quickly become a trainwreck. 9/10 Flex: When this stick was fresh out of the box, the flex seemed perfect. However, once I "broke the stick in," (fired a ton of shots, and compromised the integrity of the fibers- standard for any stick that I get my hands on), and have since used it in a couple of competitive games, it is now too whippy. My fault. I heard that it was a stiff stick, so I went admittedly low on flex. I should go either 85 or 95, and will likely buy both in the near future, and figure out which one suits me best. No rating really necessary- the stick flexes where it is supposed to flex, it rips shots, and it does what it is supposed to to. For casual outings, I think the 75 ought to continue to work for me. For more intense games, I think I need 85/95 flex. Weight: I think the weight is around 450-460, pretty ok'ish for this price point. Very well balanced, so it is hard to tell the difference between this and my pro stock QRL, if I have my eyes closed. 9.25/10 Shooting: It is hard to separate the P30 blade pattern from anything having to do with shooting. In order to do so, I would need a bunch of sticks with the P30, so I can rate the different sticks. I think that Tthe blade pattern (P30) makes my shots spot on. I literally scored about 15-20 goals in pickup a couple of nights ago (it was 2 hours, and we had 2 subs, and for whatever reason, the other team's speed, that had subs, was mirroring our team speed). So, just having time to get to where I wanted to shoot, pick a spot, and then get the puck past goalies from spots in close enough (15-25 feet) that they had no chance to react, says something for the accuracy features, as well as the power and quick release that this stick offers. A couple of nights later, in a competitive game, I do not even think I got any shots on net, because I was leaning on the stick so hard (to prevent stick lifts) that I was noodling it and could not control passes or get my shots off. This was when I realized that I need a higher flex. Again, not the fault of the stick, just my own failure to know ahead of time, how this stick would react to the full force of my weight on it. 9.5/10 Durability: After 1 skate, I noticed some little dents in my first stick's blade. I contacted CCM Warranty, they sent me a 2nd stick, and said "keep the first stick." (Thank you again, CCM) No dents in either stick since then, and both are going strong. 9.25/10 Verdict: This is a great all around stick. I have really no feedback for how to improve. My main intention of writing this review, is to provide CCM people reading this form, feedback on how the P30 is working with this stick. Love the blade pattern, the stiffness of the blade itself, and the soft upper handle and mid kick, and how everything ties together. All of these are new features for me, and they seem to be working harmoniously. The only issue that I am having is dialing in my flex, but anyone who knows me (Farmer's walks with 100 pound dumbells in each hand, leg press with 7-45 pound plates on each side, lat pulldowns with the entire rack, pushups with a Swiss ball under my hands, and another under my feet, etc.), and sees the 75 flex always responds the same way, "Are you serious? You need 90-100 flexx!" What I have learned, is that in low intensity games (where I am shooting with lazy mechanics, and not leaning hard on my stick), this flex is indeed pretty much perfect. However, in higher intensity games, this stick is noodling under the force on my leaning into it on stickhandling and shooting. Regardless, this stick is pretty much perfect, with the slight modification that I make, to accommodate my my lack of hands: the Surgeon RX2 end plug). Most guys like the T shaft geometry though, so this is more of an issue of mine, than an issue with the stick.
  4. New for 2017, the Super Tacks is CCM's top-end girdle. Here's it out of the box: The shell is removable, with leg zippers and +1 adjustment. It has three points in which it attaches to the girdle. There is a second loop under the belt in which the shell strap hooks into. Adjustable spine pad, with D3O. Now, here's the girdle without the shell. Open front crotch. However, there is a step-in part in the seat of the girdle. Opening it up, you can see it. The tailbone pad is built in, similar to 9k. There are 4 adjustment tabs in the girdle. Two of them extend all the way up to the kidney pad and bring the back of the thigh pad up... And the other two bring the front of the thigh pad up. Hip pads are similar to 9k. There's a lot to like here. Having the open crotch is good, and there's no shortness of protection as well. However, two things could be potentially nagging - the step-in part is one. It doesn't really seem to be necessary - the points it's attaching to is the groin pad area and the tailbone pad. The second one is the lack of stretch material in the top of the girdle. The only part where there's any sort of stretch is a 1.5" piece where the velcro tab is that mates to the belly pad. I'm hoping to skate in them shortly. Any questions or additional pictures needed, please ask. Thanks goes to CCM for sending me this set. I've been a girdle wearer for almost 20 years so it's a category that always intrigues me.
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