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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ogie Oglethorpe

eBay idiot, or not?

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Because TPS puts pro stock on every stick they makde.

semantics and verb tense...all about attention to detail...

Plus I love screwing with Drew now that I know he can't fight. :P

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Seriously? BIN for $115, some are being bid at $100 with 4 days left, another set at $122 with 3 days.....for some socks. I guess if people are willing to pay.




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JR did you write a couple days back that solid color edge socks are coming out next year? I can't recall exactly what you wrote.

If I came home with socks for $100+ my wife would slit my throat, but if you got the cash go nuts, I can't believe people pay $1K+ for a bottle of a wine, so to each his own.

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I recall reading that. Retail Edge like before or Pro style EDGE? I'd love a pair of navy practice socks.

You will be able to buy them in EVERY color after you unload those for 100+ on ebay :)

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lol... yeah but if it's the same as retail, I'll pass. I don't look at my legs enough to care if they are navy or TBL away socks. ;)

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