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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ogie Oglethorpe

eBay idiot, or not?

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Those are Cobra 2000 holders. Most likely really soft now, after boiling them in dye.

There was a thread on this a few months back, a bunch of people dyed theirs and it didn't cause them to go soft.

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Those are Cobra 2000 holders. Most likely really soft now, after boiling them in dye.

There was a thread on this a few months back, a bunch of people dyed theirs and it didn't cause them to go soft.

Yes, but the Cobra holders absorb more water than other holders, because of the materials they are made from.

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good chance, topshelfgino is legit

Yeah, I've talked to him several times. He knows his stuff for sure. He would'nt put it on there if it was'nt the truth

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Nike Bauer Supreme One95 X:60 HYBRID Stick (Lightweight Textreme Carbon Fibre construction, used in the X:60 stick that is coming out in October 2009, lighter weight and more durable than the normal carbon fibre used, see pictures of blade and shaft!)

Looks to coincide with the Staal's using a NBH stick as strange carbon weave. I'm bookmarking this to check back on during next season to see if this is valid. I'd like to place a bid but don't need a twig.

Those are those fake Kovy XXXX skates. UGLY

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its because someone placed a bid on them that is higher than all yours....for example a 10 dollar bid. If you keep bidding a dollar at a time, ebay automatically bids up.

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Every time I bid on it someone automatically raises the bid a little more than me! Someone exploiting eBay??? I'm going to wait to place a final bid in the last seconds of the bidding to hopefully claim it.

Someone entered a Maximum bid higher than what you are bidding. It auto-bids for that person until their max is reached.

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Those are disgusting. And I don't mean that in the PHEW sense either.

I thought his original design was ugly, but his new ones are beyond awful. Also you have to provide your own skates now? I can't see anyone stupid enough to pay him $300 to make their skates worse.

Give him credit for being persistent though. He hasn't sold anything in over 5 months, and yet he still keeps reposting that crap.

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