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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wide fitting shoulder pads..

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Hi guys..

After 2 years off from hockey due to a knee injury i'm now making a comeback

On the ice. Since i couldn't skate, i spent more time in the gym instead, which has resulted in shoulder and elbow pad shrinkage ? ..

Since i'm only 5'11 tall i cant go any bigger than XL, or the lower part of the shoulders will interfear with the pants and the bicep guards interfear with elbows so... Iv'e tried a few different pads in XL, but the shoulder cap seem end up on top of my shoulders while the bicep guard sits on the outside of my shoulder which

leaves the bicep/triceps unprotected ?...

So.. I'm looking for wide fitting shoulder pads.. Sher-wood and Bauer classics fit nice because of the lace-up front and back but they lack protection in the chest. And i play D so...

Any suggestions? Stop eating or stop lifting weights is not an option.

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If you can find them anywhere anymore, original TotalOne shoulders had adjustable shoulder caps.

EDIT: Forgot that the NXG's have them too. So, Bauer TotalOne NXG shoulders are a good option.

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