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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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DrySnake Opinions

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Had a rep drop one of these off the other day, figured I'd share it with you.

Can't really see it catching on. It's similar to the ShockDoctor and Warrior concept except the fan runs air through individualized ports for each piece of equipment. Takes up a lot of bag space. It does have an attachment for a cigarette lighter, good for pick up trucks but impractical otherwise, unless you want your SUV smelling like hockey bag.


The bag itself is a high quality Canadian made bag, I will say that for it




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I probably wouldn't buy one, but I see the vision I think. It puts the drying rack in the bag so you don't have to unpack the gear.

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I probably wouldn't buy one, but I see the vision I think. It puts the drying rack in the bag so you don't have to unpack the gear.

Sure, it would be great for the guys that leave their stuff in the garage between games. They also mention deodorizing cartridges. If they could come up with an antimicrobial or antibacterial cartridge, that would be great.

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That bag would have to be huge to fit all my equipment in it in the orientation required to put all those tubes into it.

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