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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I played in my Very first semi organized Hockey game tonight

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I had the opportunity to Jump in on the weekly Firefighter league pick up game tonight.... $20 WELL SPENT.

I spent most of my time on my butt... I Played forward and had no idea where to play or how to keep up.. and even got my first dirty look from an opposing player ( skated up behind him and disrupted his stick as he was being passed to.) I did skate up with the puck on the breakout. and made a few passes. ( even a between the legs one touch pass/redirect to a forward breaking in the neutral zone.

All in all, I had a blast...

I am pretty sure I have to have my skates stretched and get the one arch knocked out, as pretty quickly I was hobbling up and down the Ice...I kept my shifts short and let the better guys...( Which was everybody else) get plenty of ice time.   The only down side was a fall at the end, where my arm got caught behind me as I went down... I was really expecting to break my arm or mess up my shoulder...          ( hand is swollen, arm was numb for a bit, will see how it feels in the morning.     Next up, My 1st Tuesday night Adult Hockey Class.  should be challenging but fun.

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Woohoo!  Way to go.  :-)

Making some reasonable passes in your first game out sounds pretty darn good to me.  :-)

Hopefully your hand isn't actually hurt!


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Top of hand swollen pretty good, but I  have full motion and grip... more waiting to see how bad shoulder Stiffens up after 24hours..it's not too bad so far...

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On August 13, 2016 at 2:20 AM, Truckie said:


All in all, I had a blast...


The only thing that matters. Glad to hear you had good time. Keep enjoying the game and do sweat the little stuff. Good luck at you class!

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Don't worry about the opposing players.  Be a good teammate and make crisp passes.  Be positive and it will turn most people around.  Most of all, have fun.

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I just had my first pick up game last night. It was the first time playing a game in well over ten years. I had a blast, but I learned two things. 1) I really need to condition. 2 minute shift changes for 90 minutes was brutal. 2) I'm always wearing a cage. 15 minutes into my first game in 10 years someone wrapped a shaft around my face that would have taken all my teeth out. 

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