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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

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Hawks, where did you get a handle on those Rangers pant/shell, they look unreal.

The pants were a team order for my midget team a couple years ago, I love them myself, and with all of our gear I thought we looked pretty sick...Being SSAC yourself, I believe, I might have played against you (or at least your organization) depending on your age...

Did you play for Fort Sask or CAC? Haha. I played my final year of midget this year haha, AA.

Edited by Fourth Line Grind

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Ha, nice...

The second guess I threw in there just because, not like I ever saw Gretz in Graf but I knew he was experimenting with boots after he ran out of Daousts.

Didn't he go straight to a pair of Tacks?

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Some of my team issue stuff I couldn't get in here...

how was the transition from one90 to one95?

I know I'll get blasted that yellow laces only work on Graf's, but I think they look awesome on One95's. I got beaked a lot for it, but I had one white one yellow. I'm all white now but might switch back.....

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I know I'll get blasted that yellow laces only work on Graf's, but I think they look awesome on One95's. I got beaked a lot for it, but I had one white one yellow. I'm all white now but might switch back.....

Ha I totally agree with you, I had always had white and changed right before the picture was taken, I definitely think it looks sick.

Did you play for Fort Sask or CAC? Haha. I played my final year of midget this year haha, AA.

Nah man, I played in Calgary last year for the Buffs, AAA... I guess I havent played you ha

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In honor of Steve Montador getting shipped to Boston, I turned his orange pro stock S17 into a black one.

Just kidding; was bored today and decided to do a little coloring on a Monty pro stock. I guess it'll hold up until it gets hacked.


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So purty. Now with white tongues.

Your on phew right?

Unfortunately yes.

Sick stuff bro, thought your skates looked pretty good myself then everybody went and copied them haha. Phews a pissoff, i put up my custom warriors and they took them down.

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