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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Sticks - A low point?

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On 3/7/2017 at 9:19 AM, colins said:


Thanks for the info. I'm hoping to get a warranty replacement for this one despite it being closer to 60 days than the 30 day coverage. I'll report back if I do and if the replacement seems to have a different blade construction.




Just reporting back to say that CCM Warranty did approve a replacement. They have no 85 flex Left P40 in stock, so they're going to send me a Super Tacks 2.0 when they get stock in mid-May. 

My Super Tacks stick experience was annoying, but I'm happy that CCM has agreed to replace it and I'm looking forward to trying the Super Tacks 2.0 when it becomes available. In the meantime I've picked up a couple of prostocks to tide me over.



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I grabbed an RBZ 260 a while back on sale, and have really started to use it in the last week on the shooting pad in the driveway. However, the durability has me worried and the availability of the P45 (the curve I purchased it in, and really like) is becoming less. Shame on CCM for killing the P45 like they did the P19. Going to need to find a similar curve.

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6 hours ago, colins said:


Just reporting back to say that CCM Warranty did approve a replacement. They have no 85 flex Left P40 in stock, so they're going to send me a Super Tacks 2.0 when they get stock in mid-May. 

My Super Tacks stick experience was annoying, but I'm happy that CCM has agreed to replace it and I'm looking forward to trying the Super Tacks 2.0 when it becomes available. In the meantime I've picked up a couple of prostocks to tide me over.



The SuperTacks 2.0 looks promising with the use of 18K carbon. Should hold up much better.

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When I was stick shopping, i locked in on the Tacks line, but restricted it to Original or Ultra, the Super line seemed to be a let down compared to the previous two.  I ended up ebay'ing  a new original Tacks (Nugent-Hopkins). I've used it for a full season and it held up VERY WELL. Barely any paint chips, and only one tiny chip on the blade.  

Performance wise it's the most accurate stick I've ever had, but my shot seems to have lost a bit of zip. Maybe it's the curve, maybe it's the stick... not sure. Either way, pretty happy with it. 

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