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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Skates similar to x800s

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I’ve had x800s for about nine months.  I like them, but a few months ago, I started feeling like I’m having volume issues with my right foot. I just barely fail the pencil test on the fourth and fifth eyelet,  but no lacebite or pain.  Left skate feels absolutely great.  Sometimes my right skate feels like it’s not deep enough, or like i’m not getting good enough wrap around my foot. 

 What model supreme would correlate to the materials in the X800s?  I am having trouble parsing all of the jargon.  I feel like I’m landing somewhere between the S29 and 2S.

 When I bought them last summer, I tried on Tacks and Jetspeeds as well.  Both of those ended up putting too much pressure on my accessory navicular bone.  I am willing to revisit both of those, but I’ve tried punching around that bone before, and never had good results. 

 Any thoughts or suggestions?  I am trying to stay in the $500 range, so the obligatory “just get Trues or other customs” doesn’t really help. 


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Dont worry about it too much if you barely fail the pencil test.  Have your skates heated again.  Wearing a slightly thicker sock for the baking process can help too.

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2 hours ago, start_today said:


 When I bought them last summer, I tried on Tacks and Jetspeeds as well.  Both of those ended up putting too much pressure on my accessory navicular bone.  I am willing to revisit both of those, but I’ve tried punching around that bone before, and never had good results. 



I wonder why you don't get good results with a punch. I have to punch any hard boot including vapor for that damn bone. Doesn't take much but it has to be done. 

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4 hours ago, mickz said:

Dont worry about it too much if you barely fail the pencil test.  Have your skates heated again.  Wearing a slightly thicker sock for the baking process can help too.

Oh, pencil test was just informational. That’s not the concern. It’s the way the skate feels. I don’t think a rebake will help.  It’s like there’s fundamentally not enough material to wrap my foot as much as I’d like. 


2 hours ago, skiboyny said:

I wonder why you don't get good results with a punch. I have to punch any hard boot including vapor for that damn bone. Doesn't take much but it has to be done. 

Maybe the shop I went to didn’t do a good job with the punch. I’m gun shy about dropping money on skates to have them not fit in a way that makes them unusable. Current fit is just not ideal.  That navicular bone pain is another level. 

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