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Bauer 2S Pro Shinpad Liner, no doughnut?

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Hi there looking for new shinpads and everything is closed where I live so I have to order online.  I notice some pictures of the 2S pro shinpads where there is a doughnut in the liner in the knee cap and in others pictures it looks like there is no doughnut and the XRD foam is sewn into the liner.  Is this correct, did the liner change?  Did Bauer eliminate the doughnut?     

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Looking at the 2S pro images on both the Bauer website and HockeyMonkey I see what you mean... on the Bauer site it looks as if the XRD is part of the liner/knee padding, where as the Hockey Monkey image shows it more as a liner with a hole and the XRD behind it.  My guess is the XRD is attached to the knee structure and there's a hole in the liner that looks like a donut (just minus the additional padding the old donuts used to have mmmm donuts), the Bauer image has them just so perfectly lined up it looks like it's all solid.

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