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Possible Supination - Outside Edge Issues

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To start, I have not had my feet evaluated for supination/pronation, but I am planning to do it. Even so, I have a question about possible supination and outside edges.

I was skating in the Vapor series of Bauer skates for years, up until a few years ago when I had my feet evaluated at my LHS. The Bauer analysis said 100% across the board I should be in Supreme skates. I went from 1X to 1S skates and my feet felt much more comfortable. I had one skate punched out a bit due to a toe issue I have. I've had these 1S skates for maybe three years now or so.

I have been skating since I was 13, and at 40 I'm a high-level C player (depending on how my back feels that week, lol). My major achilles heel is my outside edges. I cannot stop on my outside edges to save my life. When I'm walking, I find I sometimes am walking on my outside edges, with my ankles bending outward. When I do one-foot slalom drills, I get very uneasy on my outside edge, feeling like I am going to tip over. It's just a very uncomfortable feeling, so it's affecting my agility, since we know the outside edge of the inner foot really helps drive a sharp turn.

I am trying to decide if I am in the wrong skates, or if there is something that can be done to my current skates to alleviate this problem. I am thin and have a thin foot with a moderately high arch. Would a different type of skate compared to the Bauer 1S possibly be a solution? Or is this likely a foot problem and not an equipment problem per se? Looking to get pointed in the right direction here so I can get my confidence back on the outside edges.

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2 hours ago, FlyChicaga said:

To start, I have not had my feet evaluated for supination/pronation, but I am planning to do it. Even so, I have a question about possible supination and outside edges.

I was skating in the Vapor series of Bauer skates for years, up until a few years ago when I had my feet evaluated at my LHS. The Bauer analysis said 100% across the board I should be in Supreme skates. I went from 1X to 1S skates and my feet felt much more comfortable. I had one skate punched out a bit due to a toe issue I have. I've had these 1S skates for maybe three years now or so.

I have been skating since I was 13, and at 40 I'm a high-level C player (depending on how my back feels that week, lol). My major achilles heel is my outside edges. I cannot stop on my outside edges to save my life. When I'm walking, I find I sometimes am walking on my outside edges, with my ankles bending outward. When I do one-foot slalom drills, I get very uneasy on my outside edge, feeling like I am going to tip over. It's just a very uncomfortable feeling, so it's affecting my agility, since we know the outside edge of the inner foot really helps drive a sharp turn.

I am trying to decide if I am in the wrong skates, or if there is something that can be done to my current skates to alleviate this problem. I am thin and have a thin foot with a moderately high arch. Would a different type of skate compared to the Bauer 1S possibly be a solution? Or is this likely a foot problem and not an equipment problem per se? Looking to get pointed in the right direction here so I can get my confidence back on the outside edges.

Look at the bottom of a pair of shoes you wear often and you will be able to easily see if you pronate or supinate. To me, it sounds like you supinate.

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