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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Repairing Nylon on Gloves

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What product do you use to repair the nylon on the fingers/back roll of your gloves? I'm assuming some type of self adhesive nylon patch?  I've got a pair of Jetspeed Pro Stocks in perfect condition, except for tears /worn nylon on the finger knuckles from demo-ing skills training. Looking for something that is abrasion resistant .

Edited by clarkiestooth

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I picked up some tent repair stuff that someone recommended on another thread a while back, I used it on my son's gloves since he tore up the fingers a but using them on the roller hockey rink.  I was skeptical but hoponestly they held up really well, just a matter of finding the right color then cutting pieces the right size for the spot you're using it on.

This is what I used:


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15 hours ago, xstartxtodayx said:

I picked up some tent repair stuff that someone recommended on another thread a while back, I used it on my son's gloves since he tore up the fingers a but using them on the roller hockey rink.  I was skeptical but hoponestly they held up really well, just a matter of finding the right color then cutting pieces the right size for the spot you're using it on.

This is what I used:


Good!  That's the one I ordered on ebay last night.

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