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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Skatescribe profile, anyone skating on?

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On 11/9/2023 at 7:28 AM, pgeorgan said:

What quad profiles were they on, specifically? The quads are a little aggressive and require quite a bit of athletic balance. They're not for everyone.

What exactly is a 981/Quad hybrid, anyway?  

 Got a set of profiled steel en route courtesy of Paluce. Boy went from stock to Quads early this year and took to them immediately. He’s coming from a Quad 2 to Hybrid so I’ll do write up after some time on ice. 

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1 minute ago, OCpuckhead11 said:

 Got a set of profiled steel en route courtesy of Paluce. Boy went from stock to Quads early this year and took to them immediately. He’s coming from a Quad 2 to Hybrid so I’ll do write up after some time on ice. 


I spoke to the good folks over at Tydan and they're going to cook me up a Quad XS/Zero hybrid. 

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On 9/23/2023 at 9:10 AM, Paluce said:

The Skatescribe Gold Profile is really nice fast and Agile Profile. Probably my favourite from them.  (12’ heal, 14’ Center, 8.65’ toe.)  My boy tried it out of curiosity and he liked it a lot, but went back to his previous profile which was a ME Quad/981 hybrid. Other boys on his team also tried it and liked it. 

What hollow did your kid and his buddies like the gold at? Mine just tried the gold , straight ahead was fast but he didn't like the crossovers....felt like he was going to wipe everytime he crossed over....

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He was on a 92/75 FBV.   
It’s a year later now and he skates on the 981/Quad Hybrid (CompetitiveEdgeHockey.ca) and a 98/50 FBV.    His edge work is top notch so he can skate on a /50cut now.   So fast. 

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Just had SkateScribes powercut done this weekend and really enjoy skating on it, to be fair, the guys at SkateScribe said that I had to adjust the hollow to a shallower cut when getting the profile, which i did. I am now on a quest to figure out how to get the rest of my runners done.

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6 hours ago, Goonsquad said:

Just had SkateScribes powercut done this weekend and really enjoy skating on it, to be fair, the guys at SkateScribe said that I had to adjust the hollow to a shallower cut when getting the profile, which i did. I am now on a quest to figure out how to get the rest of my runners done.

IIRC you had a really short profile.  The Powercut would have more contact area, so that's why we suggested a shallower hollow.

Shoot us an email and we'll set you up with a UPS label.  service@skatescribe.com.

Thank you for stopping by!

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I went with the powercut. I did not adjust to a shallower hollow so it took some time to adjust. It felt very good on the ice at MLG. Skated the other day on a harder ice surface and noticed a lot more outside edge glide, but everything was still good. Due for a sharpen so I plan to run it on my Sparx for 1-2 cycles and will see how that goes next week.

Thanks to Nick and team for the profiling/sharpen and advice. I like the how the computer visually shows how parts of the blade need correction. I've recommended the product to those I play with, so hopefully a few of them swing by to get their corrections done.

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You guys find the hollow for skatescribe a bit interesting? The edges don't feel as sharp as traditional sharpenings (by touching with your fingers/fingernail). But also if you look closely you can see faint horizontal lines on the hollow which traditionally on regular hand sharpenings is considered a no no.  But skating on it feels completely fine. 

I know it's a completely different method of sharpening so traditional rules don't really apply. 

Edited by Sniper9

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On 8/1/2024 at 12:25 PM, KennyWu said:

 I like the how the computer visually shows how parts of the blade need correction.

What does this mean? What computer?

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When you put your blades into the jig on a Skatescribe machine, the vision system measures, draws, and shows a line trace of the profile for each blade on a computer screen. You can see how much steel will be removed and in what areas when it is getting profiled/sharpened. 

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