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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cutting OPS at fuse point.....

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On eBay there are a couple of broken ops that I see for sale, some are ie mako sticks. I doubt the seller is very knowledgeable, what kind of questions should I ask in order to know if the stick has been too much sortened or not to install tapered blade instead of having a screwed up shaft?

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Anybody have luck with an eq50? I think I was one of few who really liked the way that shaft kicked. Any help would be great!

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Anybody have luck with an eq50? I think I was one of few who really liked the way that shaft kicked. Any help would be great!

yes I did EQ50, nothing special. It is the same like SE16. It's a fused stick. All you need to do is just cut 1cm above fuse line and chisel the blade tenon out.

need pics?

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I have a pretty reliable system for those difficult fused sticks. First i find where the shaft and blade meet, and cut.


Then pilot out two holes in the tenon, these are 1/2", but anything 1/2 to 5/8 would work


Then, after a good amount of heat, but not enough to burn the shaft paint, I can get a good purchase between the shaft and blade with a needlenose pliers. Some twisting is usually enough to break the resin bond and remove the blade.


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yes I did EQ50, nothing special. It is the same like SE16. It's a fused stick. All you need to do is just cut 1cm above fuse line and chisel the blade tenon out.

need pics?

yes please

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I have a couple adrenalines and xn10s that I wish to pull the blades out. I haven't had success because I didn't try very hard because I don't want to accidentally ruin the shaft. I see 3 lines after heating the bottom of the shaft. Can someone that's had success give me some extra pointers?

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The bottom line should be the connection between the blade and the shaft. Gently heat the area between that and the top line until the blade comes out. Remember to keep the heat source moving so you don't burn the shaft.

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I have a couple adrenalines and xn10s that I wish to pull the blades out. I haven't had success because I didn't try very hard because I don't want to accidentally ruin the shaft. I see 3 lines after heating the bottom of the shaft. Can someone that's had success give me some extra pointers?


I've done a few XN10s in the past. It's just heat & pull. Use a knife to remove the epoxy/glue at the fuse point. Also, it'll be much easier if you put the blade on a vice and pull.

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Hey guys, new to all of this, but I was wondering if i could salvage the blade from a Nexon10 or a S19?

Also would they fit in a Total one that has been cut at the fuse point?

Thanks in advance!

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Yes, the elliptical taper. Not only that but the sticks are fused above the taper not in the traditional spot near the blade. I wonder if anyone could successfully take the taper portion of one and combine it with the top part of another stick.

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does the eq50 shaft play and feel exactly like the se16 shafts once you pull the blade out?

not exactly.

EQ50 is a bit more mid-kick. SE16 is pure low-kick stick so I'd say EQ50 is somethinlk like in between SE16 and Totalone, but a bit heavier than both.

SE16 was a great shaft, unfortunately it's not available anymore

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Hey Guys,

This what I am working with. Do you think I can fit a blade (tapered or standard) at the end that is cut? I do not want to flip these. Any help would be awesome. Also I am thinking once I get good at cutting shafts and putting blades in OPS of making a youtube video of the step by step process. What do you think?

Bauer Total One


Bauer One 100


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didnt see much on here with the warrior widow.. but would you be able to do this process with one ?

You can't with the dagger taper. I wouldn't recommend flipping it over either for the same reason.

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