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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/07/12 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I’m glad I’m not the only one who likes neutral mid curves, and am disappointed that the two Easton curves I like (Iggy and Heatley) are either being tweaked or removed altogether. Does anyone know if the Iggy curve will be tweaked for the initial release of the Mako 2 or will the first batches have the OG curve? And I’m assuming once this tweak takes place it will fall into all of Easton’s sticks, right? Just trying to gauge when I should stock up…. And I have a close friend who loves the Heatley (and is an Easton stick die-hard, particularly the Stealth line), does anyone know when this curve will officially be discontinued? I used Bure’s P10 for years before it eventually went away (starting with wood then moving to Bauer blades on Easton UltraLites). I recall going a couple of years without an adequate replacement….tried a Sakic for a while but could never get use to the open face. Then I discovered Datsyuk’s P38 and it really is the closest thing I think I’ve found to the P10. When I finally transitioned to one piece and I wanted to stick to Easton (SE16 was my first dive into the 1piece world, and I wish I stocked up on the darned things), that’s when I found the Iggy curve being most similar (definitely some differences, size of blade, square vs. round toe, but it was still a moderate mid curve with a closed face and I transitioned to it quickly)…and I’ve been using it since. The P88 is obviously similar, but I have never liked the lie so if that’s where the Iggy is going, and the Heatley is gone, I won’t have any Easton options left…

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