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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. 3 points
    I think it's pretty much confirmed by the pictures. No other stick had that exact font and stripe on the underside. It's definitely a pshs.
  2. 3 points
    It isn't confirmed that it is PRO, and I tried to get it confirmed and he won't... but if you use logic it is obviously a PRO stick.
  3. 3 points
    For some of us who are old and set in our ways, as person who both contributed to the proliferation of p28esque curves and ultra-stiff boots, this guy is bordering on super villain status.
  4. 2 points
    First time the build code was clearly legible, I guess was my point
  5. 2 points
    Just arrived. Still in the process of removing the shot blockers.
  6. 2 points
    @Marsblade - Any thoughts on a "pro-series" R1 chassis? I love my R1's, but do find the weight is a drawback for many considering them. The R1's feel overly chunky compared to high-end fixed frames, which I assume is because they were designed with durability in mind. A performance model would be amazing to see come to life, something a little lighter in other colors, maybe with the TF radius included. Selling just the lowers only, could be a great upsell for the competitive roller players already using R1's, kind of like DLC blades for ice holders.
  7. 1 point
    There are multiple versions of quad profiles, and they are not all created equal. In the last year or so I moved mostly to Elite profiles. https://eliteperformancetech.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Elite-Profile-Overview-V9-July-2023.pdf Maybe consider a Polaris Quad?
  8. 1 point
    I passed on a pair of Warriors shortly after the Jets Heritage classic game. Not this time. I just cut them off using a small pair of wire cutters. It took all of 10 minutes. You can barely tell they were ever there.
  9. 1 point
    We’re excited to announce that the 15th Annual MSH SummerJam will be held at the CN Sports Complex (Montreal Canadiens practice facility) in Brossard, Quebec on Saturday July 26th. Registration info to come shortly.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    thanks @Westside! You are right. That's the best I could do with those type of stickers (vs silkscreen) but the positive part is that it is more resistant. I could perhaps give it a protective coat of matte clear...food for thoughts. thanks for the feedback, next on the list will be the Pavel Bure Canucks GX9500.
  12. 1 point
    They're looking great IMO! Only comment would be that the lettering appears too glossy
  13. 1 point
    I actually did this mod on the traditional felt with t guard true tongues in my Bauer matrix skates I converted to inline. The stock tongues had wear on the edge of the felt which gave me a hot spot on the outside of my shin around the cuff area on the boot. So I bought some true tongues, but in order for the middle of the t guard to line up with the flex point of the skate, I had to shorten the tongue which I did by cutting AND tapering the bottom of the tongue so it would feel more stock like. It worked great as I kept the Velcro system. I kept a flap of material from the stock tongues and added a hook velcro on that so I didn't have to sew into the toe box. Looking back, I actually think the cat 9 or 9x4 tongue you have would've worked better in terms of overall volume. The traditional felt with t guard is quite thick but it still worked fine overall, and it's only for inlines that I wear like 5-6 times a year at most. I also was able to look at the 3d tongues in store and they do seem very thick. And the fact that they don't look like they break in really at all, seems like of it doesn't feel right off the bat it's likely not going to get much better over time.
  14. 1 point
    Quick update on the 3D printed tongues as I've now had 4 sessions in them. I'm still on the fence about these tongues for the long run. The tweaks I made after the first use made them work much better. I still get a little bit of pressure around the ball of my foot by about the 3rd period of a game. Socks still get soaked. I do think they'll work better in my pair of TF9 since the toe box area is much larger and this will take up some of that space without putting pressure on my foot. Since the TF9 are for roller, I think the ventilation benefits will work better too. I did end up cutting off a few inches of the stock 9X4 tongue and tried them out for a few hours on the ODR. Shortening them to the height of the felt tongues made a tremendous impact in comfort for me. If I do decide to put the 3D printed tongues on my inline, I'm going to give the stock tongues another shot on my ice skates. Can't really tell on the photos, but I threw a stitch down at the end like they come from the factory to ensure nothing unravels. At some point I'll likely shave down some of the foam so it tapers a bit and then use a nicer cross stitch so it appears more finished and less DIY
  15. 1 point
    Not at retail. Check with a couple of pro shops to see if they may have one.
  16. 1 point
    They do not come in a Fit 1. Websites are correct.
  17. 1 point
    Thanks for your reply @Westside! I lean towards a faithful recreation as much as possible and I tend to agree with you. The black letters are faithful to the originals and give a nice crisp look.
  18. 1 point
    Welcome! Good luck with the restoration process. Guess the question comes down to if you want a faithful recreation or want to modify them to your own liking? Pics of Modano show him with black lettering https://www.gettyimages.in/detail/news-photo/mike-modano-of-the-minnesota-north-stars-skates-on-the-ice-news-photo/459182798
  19. 1 point
    Hi everyone, First time posting, not sure if the links will work. I am a sucker for 90's gloves and I am restoring my old pairs. Would love to have your opinion on the style of letters for the cuffs. For your info, the letters are UV DTF PErmastickers. I found they work extremely well and are extremely resistant, giving an interesting raised feel to the letters. Cheers and sorry in advance if the links don't work! https://i.imgur.com/ryWZppf.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/0BjRSea.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/q3akFCH.jpeg
  20. 1 point
    Wow, these Pro Series shoulders are fantastic. The pictures and description don't do them justice at all. I ordered from that Czech site and got a pretty good discount - definitely something you don't see in N America on new gear. Anyway, the shoulder caps and bicep extensions are really nice and not bulky. The sternum and spine guards aren't flimsy foam and the adjustable (or removable) rib protection is fantastic. My boys wore them to practice Friday night and in their game yesterday. They love the pads. These are great for a shot blocking, physical defenseman. I would highly recommend them. I'll probably grab the elbows the next time I see a sale. Great job, Bauer.
  21. 1 point
    I used the quicklites for years. Really liked them. At the time I was trying to find a pad that didn’t cause me to overheat and these were what I landed on. Eventually moved onto CLs which breathed better and since the interior is entirely zote foam it didn’t retain any sweat and stayed ‘cleaner’ longer. Tried FT4 Pros which I felt didn’t breathe at all. I’m currently using FT6 Pros which I really like. IMO they’re the true successor to the CL line. Really breathable with aer-tek and don’t hold any moisture since there’s not a liner
  22. 1 point
    How? How do you get through the day?
  23. 1 point
    Ha. I noticed that about CCM's P28, and Warrior's seems closer to that than Bauer. (TC4 was its own thing last I checked, they may have changed it.) I like CCM's sticks too, but the slightly more vanilla toe on the CCM and Warrior really appeal to me. Bauer's is a bit too augmented for my taste. Luckily, any P28 I've tried feels so nice compared to most curves that I don't have to look at it much when I'm using it.
  24. 1 point
    No clue. Don’t have a scale that would weigh something this light and it honestly never crossed my mind
  25. 1 point
    Is there a place (online) or some sort of catalogue to see the CCM customization options? Curious about the color choices available.
  26. 1 point
    Warrior Covert DT2 Flex: 85 Curve: W88 Zetterberg Height: 5'10" Weight: 220 Postition: RW/C Time-frame of use: About 2.5 months as my main stick, currently splitting time with another. Aesthetics: I like that Warrior has cut down on the bright colored, crazy artwork, and random pictures that they use to put out on their sticks. I am a fan of how the Covert line keeps the same graphic package but uses different colors to differentiate between the specific model. Although, I will say that I really don't like the giant W on the back heel of the blade. It got spray painted black as soon as I got the stick. Weight and Balance: Even though this isn't the top of the Covert line, I still feel the stick is very light considering it's around $50-$60 cheaper than the other top of the line sticks out there. The stick feels slightly blade heavy when holding it at home, but everyone feels it differently. I haven't owned a DT1 to compare it directly to so I can't comment on that directly. The blade/shaft combo opposed to the true one piece design might have a slight effect in either category, but I don't think a difference would be noticeable during game play. (8.5/10) Blade + Stickhandling and Passing: The blade on this stick is very stiff. I am a fan of the more pingy type of blades out there. It seems like I can feel everything on the blade but in a different, and personally preferred way, then with the softer "wood imitating" blades out there. I have no problem stickhandling with the blade. The liveliness helps me know the location of the puck on blade. Passes are very accurate as well. The stiffness of the blade helps to ensure that the puck ends up where I want it to go. (10/10) Shaft/Flex + Shooting: I am a big fan of the shaft on this stick. It is very well rounded, which is what I prefer. The texture of the diamond grip is also another preferred feature I look for in sticks. I feel as though the stick fits well in my hand and stays put with the addition of the grip. I do think these sticks play a little whippier than rated. I believe this has to do with how the flex of the newer Warrior sticks are measured. I was nervous about having to cut off about 5" off this stick since they 3" longer than most retail models. However, I was happily surprised that the stick stayed whippy and plays a softer than I expected I am a very big fan the dagger taper. I seem to always like very low kick sticks and this was right up my alley. I don't try to power though every shot, instead I pick a flex that allows me to shoot quickly but still get a nice amount of flex in it. The taper on the Covert line really allowed me to do that. I am able to shoot hard without requiring a big windup. The stick snaps back quickly after loading and always me to get off hard, accurate shots. I don't notice the blade torquing even though the taper is so thin where the shaft and blade meet. However, It's not my all time favorite shooting stick when all is said and done but it's definitely up there. I really do like how this stick loads up and shoots. (9.5/10) Durability: This stick has been a tank for me. It has taken a beating a held up extremely well for me. A lot of people have reported problems with Warrior's blades in the past but I have never experienced any, especially with the DT2. The blade is still very stiff with no chips or cracks. The shaft has also help up remarkably well. I've taken many decent hacks without any cracking, chipping, or gouging. I usually expect some viable damage of some kind, but I haven't been able to find anything worth reporting. It's quite surprising even to me! (10/10) Conclusion: I really like this stick. I keep finding myself going back to it even over some other higher price point sticks. I originally bought it thinking that I might move up to the DT1 if all goes well and it gives out eventually. However, I haven't noticed anything that has made me want to ditch this stick and upgrade. I feel as though Warrior really has something nice in their dagger taper technology and I will definitely keep an eye out for current and future products offering it! (9.5/10)
  27. 0 points
    I... uh... don't drink coffee 🤯

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