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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

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  3. Anyone (@Elite Blade Performance??) have any more detailed info on the Elite Polaris profile? It just says it's like a quad but more agile in the back. I think my days of wasting steel to try new profiles are over. I have a Quad 0 and love it, however I have a friend that skates similar to me and recently switched to the Polaris and recommends it. I figure someone on here has to know which 4 radii it uses... Thanks!
  4. I have a pair of these skates and the blades aren’t all the way tight. I went to try and put a little turn on them and the screw snapped right off. I tried google searching for these, and couldn’t find anything. They’re not the same as regular skates. The fitting is rectangular that goes thru the blades. Does anybody know where I could possibly find these??? I know they’re an old model now, and ccm probably long since abandoned. Thanks in advance!
  5. Last week
  6. I really liked the Hyperlite toe cap compared to previous Vapors. I felt grelt going half a size down compared to what I wear in older Vapors. Haven’t tried on newer Supremes, just wanted to add my two cents of love for the Hyperlite toe cap.
  7. Same experience with me. Mainly with the hyperlites feeling about 1/4 size longer bc of the different toecap.
  8. Howdy, I just spray mine with 91% isopropyl alcohol, undiluted. Everything but skates. Mark
  9. Howdy, Yeah, doesn't look like a helmet piece to me either. Part of your bag maybe? Mark
  10. They seemed to have fit my foot very similar. Again unbaked so maybe after baking the heel might open up or something else… the new toe box is definitely different feeling. Feels wider, it’s a nice feeling..
  11. I don’t care what they say about their fit system. The supreme and vapor lines still fit differently. With the Machs I definitely noticed this
  12. Thanks for replying and adding. i have no real complaint with the hyperlite2 , i just like change . I had the ultra sonics previously and I did not care much for them. They just never felt right on the ice. I never had the opportunity to try the Mach. I’ve used supreme in the past and true as well. Switching between brands and models hasn’t been a big issue for the most part anyway. The ultra sonic being the only exception.
  13. Shadow is a big improvement over the Mach. The Amp flex in the Mach made the facing flex out on me when skating. The Amp flex in the Shadow is smaller and doesn't go through to the back. IMO the Shadow with the new toe cap minus the Amp flex between the 2nd and 3rd eyelet would be an awesome skate. What is it that you don't like about your Hyperlite 2's? I was always in Supremes with my last pair being custom Ultrasonics. Thought I'd never be in a Vapor skate, but was disappointed with the Mach and now have custom Hyperlite 2's. Completely satisfied with how they perform for me so no need to make a model change now.
  14. Tried on a pair of shadow size 5.5 fit 3 which is the same as my hyperlite2 sizing. Felt good out of box without baking, as was just trying for fit . Had no pain spots, heels were well locked in too. Had on for approximately 10 min Looking for feedback back from anyone in hyperlite2’s that’s had a chance to skate in the Shadow skate. Comparisons in size, feel on ice etc, any relevant comparisons .. thought on if it’s worth switching over to the new line. Any feedback is appreciated.. thanks..
  15. Yeah, this looks like something that maybe fell in the helmet, and then fell out of the helmet, but isn’t actually related to the helmet.
  16. Is the reload holder replacing the xs holder with the dial?
  17. Did you end up trying the new Pro's on? My current skates are a size 9 R 100k & they fit fairly well with only slight heel lift & toes brush caps, wondering if a 9 taper would work in the XF's.
  18. Clear Gear and I put my equipment in a Rocket Dryer when I get home.
  19. If i could have a pair of Makos build as stiff machs I'd be happy
  20. Hejduk sport is still around atleast here in Europe. Check out hps-sport-shop.de They ship overseas aswell..
  21. I'm seeing the 9x4 available in local stores, but none of the lower models. Anyone have any insight on the 7x4 being available to try on and buy? That is the skate I am leaning toward for my son, based on the specs I am seeing, assuming it fits similar to the current Cat9.
  22. Sick Eastons. I just found an old pair I picked up for my daughter. IMO much better construction and technology than the current Trues.
  23. I notice that the xs holder is stiffer than the edge. I'm trying to justify changing to the xs. I already have a few sets of edge steel.
  24. I've only used XS and Edge and haven't looked back once I switched to XS. I just like the way they feel and prefer the dial as opposed to the trigger that broke on me twice and was not an easy fix (spring inside somehow popped out of place, only fix is the remove the entire holder to access the inside). I also prefer the wider selection of steel available for XS.
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