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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by ace996

  1. Only difference I notice between the two skates is that I noticed the right footbed is sliding back and forth. I'm talking about with the skate off I can stick my hand in there and with a little push the footbed moves from front to back. The left one doesn't. Is this the culprit? Suggestions?

    I've got the same problem with the right skate. Might have to put in a size 6 footbed from one of my old skates.

  2. Read up top, people have discussed this.

    I just baked mine at home. I decided to go between the 10min suggested by Easton and the 16min suggested by MLX and other people in this forum. They came out pretty warm and molded incredibly to my foot. Now they're in the freezer for 20min.

    Gotta say i'm really pleased with the baking process. Everything people have said here in this thread is spot on. They come out literally like jellow and soft in the inside.

    Can't wait to see what they're like on the ice.

    Agreed 16 mins...8 min per skate flip each skate at the 4 minute mark and you will be fine :)

  3. It's good to hear multiple people with volume issues and no lace bite. Do you guys have volume issues on instep or ankle area (top 4 eyelets)?

    Yeah for sure, I only take out the top two laces and completely loosen up the rest all the way down. It is a little bit of minor issue trying to get the laces through so just taking out the first two works for me. Other than that I think after playing a couple of games in them they fit really well. No hot spots and I am surprised how much I flex the tendon guard. Really happy that I saved up for these skates :laugh:

  4. If anyone is still having problems getting their foot into the boot I recommend heating them up again and working the boot out just a little bit from the edges. I was getting some discomfort from the eyelets on both sides of my left foot when trying to put them on. Much better now that I've heated the boot again.

  5. What are all u guys coming from? I was told the stance they put u in is similar to vapor. I really want to try them in my size although I'm worried the volume will be an issue. My vapors are too shallow around the instep, not toe box and front of foot area though. Seems some peeps seemed to be above boot before baking but the bake took care of that some how.

    coming from Reebok Platinum. If you try them make sure to have them baked it will make a huge difference in how they fit.

  6. Hey everybody just picked up my Mako skates and sitting here after baking one skate in the oven. The box shows 10 minutes @200F I decided to leave them in the oven for 8 minutes, 4 minutes per side and WOW what a difference. I put them on before baking and had trouble getting my foot into the boot. At first glance I thought there was no way I'll get my foot in there. It was a little painful getting my foot in because they were rubbing right up against eyelets and they felt boxy. After baking it was so much easier to get my foot in and they feel absolutely great! I am not feeling any soreness on the outside of my forefoot like I have with previous skates. Also with an average heel I can feel that my heel has locked in pretty good. Sometime this week I'll try to get on the ice and see how they are so far I am definitely impressed with the fit of these skates. I think I finally found a pair that I can stay with :)

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