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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by BCheetham93

  1. Bauer Pro 4 Rolls Black 13"

    Fit - Very Nice fit, Tight on the fingers, loose on the wrist and cuff. Perfect for mobile hands. I had the one95's before this glove, it ended up being too tight, so i ditched them and picked up a pair of 4 rolls.


    Weight - They really aren't "heavy", I can't even notice them on my hands, they are the perfect glove in my opinion, I've never really used "light" gloves, except for eagles i guess back in the day. But the do still feel good enough not to say they are obnoxious 9/10

    Mobility - Great, the flex lock thumb is the reason i won't use any other brand, the mobility in your thumb is the best feeling in the world while stick handling. No strain on the cuffs either, great glove. 10/10

    Break-in - Took just about one practice to get into the glove. 10/10

    Protection - Nice, bulky, good looking gloves come at a price. This is why they are on the heavy side, very protective, been slashed countless times and have felt nothing. 10/10

    Durability - I've used my gloves for two season and there are no holes or stresses in the palm at all. 10/10

    Intangibles - Love these things, very cheap for a top of the line Bauer glove. Wouldn't trade em for the world. 10/10

    Conclusion - Cheap, GREAT style, protective, freedom of mobility. Best gloves.

    Final Score: 10/10

  2. Idk why my post was deleted....


    Helmet: Bauer Black Medium 4500 w/ Black RBE III Cage (also have a White CCM FM 480)

    Bauer Navy Medium 4500 w/ Black Tinted Itech Straight Visor

    Shoulder: Bauer XXV

    Elbow: Bauer One 10 (lower the grade the better for elbows)

    Gloves: Medium Black Bauer 4 Rolls 13"

    Pants: Bauer One 95 Girdle w/ Black Bauer Shell

    Shins: Warrior Hitman 15"

    Skates: Bauer X:60 Pro Stock, custom white felt tongue (flop it babay)

    Sticks: Bauer Vapor X:60 77 Flex P92 Grip

    Bauer Vapor X:60 87 Flex P92 Non-grip

    Nike Bauer id One95 77 Flex P92 Grip

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