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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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    Pittsburgh, PA
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  1. My son used his CA9 gloves today in a game, loved them. They were a little stiff out of the box, but he took some time to stretch and bend them a bit beforehand and just that little bit loosened them up to the point that he didn't even think about having on a new pair of gloves. He was also a little skeptical at first as they felt overly grippy on his sticks (various brands with grip coating), but totally unwarranted come game time. He's been wearing Mission T.9's since last December and he gave the CA9's a big nod over those after today. He found them to be incredibly light, comfortable and he didn't feel like he had any worries over protection - and he played against a pretty chippy team today. @jazz4all - he's wearing 13" in both the CA9 and T.9's. If he goes with a Bauer 4-roll, he has to size up to 14" if that helps any. Can't speak to durability he just started using them.
  2. Appreciate the feedback! I ordered a pair for him on Monday, should have them next week. He's pumped to try them out. I've seen a few pairs at tourneys, but the owner was either in them (playing) or not around their gear bag to ask. Glad I posted the question.
  3. Thanks Justin. That helps quite a bit - appreciate the quick response. FWIW - we just outfitted our entire JV Tier 1 team with Alkali CA5 pants. Couldn't convince our treasurer to spring for the higher models since the association picked up the tab, but nonetheless, the players are really liking them. Glad I was able to talk them out of the Reebok 5Ks. My son's been using CA7s through the summer, so we were already a fan.
  4. Looked through the thread and didn't see any info on this - What's the fit, size-wise, on the gloves? Looking to snag a pair of CA9's for my son, who wears a 13" in Mission T9s, but pushes a 14" in Bauer 4-rolls or Total Ones. The Alkali dealers in my area have skates and pants, but no gloves to try on, so I'll probably need order online. Thanks!
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