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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. well, the total one's i had converted ended up getting stolen (as well as the rest of my car)... lame... oh well, i have something stellar coming up soon ;)
  2. i'm pretty sure perani's could do it... they're in euless. as for the chassis, i'd say go with any mission one, be it the magnesium or aluminum. i ALREADY cracked both of the heel lifts after one hour of shooting around (yes just shooting around, no hard play or anything), and the heel of the hum'er is able to push in and out of the boot... guess i'm gonna have to dremel away at em now. and thank you for the compliment.
  3. boom... bauer supreme totalone pro's with labeda hum'er 9000 elite chassis, labeda addiction wheels on the ends and rinkrat splits on the mids. gonna try it with the lifts since my LHP didn't wanna jeopardize the integrity of the boot by shaving into it... we'll see how that goes...
  4. go with the medium sized chassis... i just got some bauer's (size 10d as well) converted with the same chassis sized medium (albeit with some of the bottom shaved off the boot). i'll put some pics up as soon as i can... i was gonna go with one95's but changed my mind and went with something different.
  5. i didn't cut it, i meant to say shave it kinda, i used a file to remove enough of it. i think it'd be better to mount chassis on to boots which have a layer on the bottom (like all bauer's, reebok's and ccm's, as well as the new easton eq50). the s series of easton skates are different with that leather folding on the bottom, due to the entire boot being composite. it's because of this that i think some skates have the rivets loosening - a couple of my friends have easton conversions as well and they have the same problem of rivets on the front coming loose). to be honest, i think you should wait and try out the EQ50's if you're going to go the easton route.
  6. i don't know if it helps you out or anything, but i have a pair of se16's mounted with a medium vanguard. i think a medium might be too large for 7.5's so maybe a small might be right. the only problem you might run into is the second wheel from the front MIGHT rub the skate (one of the folded over leather pieces (which you can cut away). that's one of the only problems i've had with them. another problem which has occurred over time, thanks to blocking a shot, was that the chassis is slowly tearing a rivet from the boot, but because one rivet is already missing. if you keep the rivets ALL in tact, i don't think it will be a problem. hope this has helped.
  7. check out these badboys... what are these???? i know they're ccm vector's, but what are the chassis?? the first sprungs?? found this on the MLRH westcoast facebook site
  8. alright, not sure if the image is going to work... but here goes i couldn't scrounge up $500 for some new s17's, so i just settled for my old white se16's... and i changed my mind from the labeda hum'er, and got mission magnesium hi-lo's... the wheels are old addiction's and a rinkrat hornet...
  9. please tell me they're a size medium, if so, i'm interested... just the frames if that's possible... random sidenote - LFC, YNWA - respect :)
  10. any of you know if i can fit a labeda hum'er onto some easton s17's? been contemplating this for a while now...
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