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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Sidorov96

  1. Hey All, I tried searching on these forums for an answer but couldn’t quite find what I was looking for. 

    ive been looking online for some Nike zoom air skates and there tend to be a fair amount of zoom air roller skates that come up but I only place ice hockey. I was wondering what it’s like to convert roller skates to ice skates. My 2 biggest questions are what is the stiffness like on a roller boot compared to an ice boot and then second, what is the protection like on a roller skate compared to an ice boot if you’re to get hit with a puck in the boot or on the toe cap etc?

  2. Just got these skates the other day. they were pretty yellowed when I got them, but I used a clorox bleach pen on them and now they look almost brand new, except for a few stains which don't want to come out. I love these skates style, Ever since they came out and I saw Sergei Fedorov in them.


  3. Just went to the Play It Again by my house to grab some tape and saw these sitting in the corner...been wanting a pair since 1997 when I was 13, 27 now. Holy grail found! Absolutely mint condition for $40 and they're my size and fit like a glove, I am ecstatic right now.

    *Awesome skates*

    HOLY SMOKES!! I love those skates!! I too have always wanted those skates since I was a kid, much in part to Sergei Fedorov haha, and you cant beat the price and theyre in amazing condition, very jealous! great buy!

  4. Beauty of a curve, but looks odd at the same time, why didn't you like Hossa's curve?

    I dunno i just find the main part of the blade too straight, and then just a sudden curve at the toe. I dont like that, I cant say I've used one to say i truely dont like the way it performs, but just from a visual inspection I dont like it.

  5. Finally got my Kovalchuk curve stick from Kynetyk Hockey, I was searching all over for a good toe curve in a left handed version, and didnt really like Hossa's for some reason, so I found that Kynetyk was making left and right handed versions of Kovalchuk's curve, which is the curve I really wanted. The curve on this stick is awesome! I havent used it yet, I literally just got it and snapped a few pictures. It's an 87 flex.





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