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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by sharks25

  1. sharks25: that is beautiful. I'm not usually a big fan of sporty BMWs (black wheels, etc) but that one is sharp. I like the clear/blacked out front signals.

    greech: zomg that is sexy. Just a BIT of an upgrade ;) Congrats! Is that space gray?

    Thank you! The amber reflectors have a matte black vinyl wrap. I hated the amber look, and apparently the previous owner did too :)

    Not being able to skate for the last year has saved me so much in sticks + ice time that I could go from this:


    to this:



    In all seriousness, thats a beautiful machine, man.

  2. Those are already purdy bud :wink: Im sure they'll look even better after the upgrades.

    I'll try to post my inline-to-ice conversion somewhat soon. They're: Mission Boss Black skates on Tuuk Ls2s.

    Since the boots are ugly as sin I'm dying all the nylon black with Rit dye. They need a couple more layers, but they look better than when they were white. And thankfully I won't get chirped or hit by everyone, their dog, and their grandma.

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  3. From what I am to understand from your description is that their jerseys are functional and sexy. Win-win in my book. I'm buying one for each day of the week.

    I think the Sexy part is quite subjective to whoever is wearing the jersey. I don't think some people would consider them sexy with my modeling them. Throw Megan Fox in one though..... :wub:

    I bet you like those Eagles Im wearing, they were yours awhile ago :wink:

  4. Scored my first adult league goal; blocked a shot, came in on a breakaway, threw a move to my forehand, and buried it off the back bar. Beautiful goal. Except the ref called it a no goal. Even people on the other team were saying it was a goal. :-/

    We still won, and I scored later in, but it would have been nice to remember that as my first adult league goal.

  5. Bauer x60 Grip

    p88 curve

    85 flex uncut

    Intro: Im a roller travel level player, about 6'1, 175 lbs. This stick was used for ice and roller hockey on ice court. I shoot a lot, since im more of a shooter than anything else. Because of this sticks either whip out or snap on me within 6 months on average. The stick was used for about 7 months before breaking about 8 inches above the blade.

    Looks: I love the way the stick looks. The white color up top is very clean looking, and the exposed weave at the bottom is very nice. The red accents are also flashy, yet subtle. They held up very well for me, there was very little chipping. 10/10

    Weight: I loved the weight. Not too heavy, yet not ultra light weight. Great balance as well, which is what im pickiest about. No complaints at all. Another 10/10

    Blade feel: It has a pingy, lively feel to it. Some people don't like it, but i grew accustomed to it fairly quickly. I grew to like it a lot, as it felt extremely lively. I like to believe that I have good hands in roller, so I could control the liveliness of the blade easily. On ice less so, but it still wasn't that bad. I could feel the puck on my blade confidently even with the pinginess. 9/10

    Shaft/flex: Its a bit stiffer than rated. Though it seems to kick extremely hard, like a softer flex. A stiff stick with the benefit of a softer stick. I could load it quickly on snapshots, yet it didn't seem to over load on hard slappers. The dimensions feel like they're made for me. I love the way it feels in my hands. 10/10

    Shooting: A little story: I was playing the rebound game with a goalie friend and 2 others. I stepped in to a snap shot from in between the dot. Dead over the goalies shoulder, off the bar, down onto the ground, back up off the crossbar, and in. Its never going to happen again, but it really made me confident in my shot with it. My shot has never been better. Slappers, wristers, snapshots, anything you throw at it; it will perform. By far the best aspect of the stick. Better than the s19 I used before it, which I considered a great shooters stick. 11/10

    Passing/stickhandling: Pingy, lively blade. If you arent used to it it will be hard to corral passes. I got used to it and loved it. It gave great passes, crisp and accurate. The stickhandling is what i loved the feel for the most. Very responsive, and I could go from a quick toe drag to draw it in for a snap-shot easily. The feel gave me great confidence in my stickhandling. 10/10

    Durability: Great. The first x60 I had was used for 6 months before the bottom of the blade cracked. It had no other issues and stayed strong till it broke. This stick also held up to all the abuse it took. Very little chipping, as said above, and no deep gashes. The blade didn't even have much wear even though I only tape toe to mid heel. My last time using it was a shooting session and it felt "off" the whole time that day. Some shots kicked hard, some just trickled off. It broke on a one-timer. 7 months and only one game it felt weak is fine with me! It lasted pretty much the longest out of all other sticks ive used. 10/10

    Conclusion: I tell everyone that its my favorite stick, because it is. I loved the stick and would buy another one. The Mako im using now is great, but doesn't give me the confidence that this stick did. A great stick if you get used to the pingy feel, which I did. 10/10

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