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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by flyguy1

  1. The only concern i have is the length, once again. And once again they were perfect after baking, and hell even perfect sitting down with my knees bent. But once I stand up, the forward pitch makes my foot slide forward. This is leading me to believe I havent tied them tight enough (I'm so used to all but the top 2-3 eyelets being loose because of issues with previous skates I've worn). My foot shouldnt slide forward, I wouldn't think.

    This happened to me when I got the current skates I'm in, I thought they were too small because my big toe was pushing on the toe cap. Same thing as you, sitting down when knees were bent toes weren't crammed. Basically I noticed that my toes were crammed when skating because I was skating too upright. That made me focus more on knee bend when skating and problem was solved. It took a couple skates to get used to it, a lot of times I would start with a lot of knee bend but by the end of my skate due to fatigue, I would start skating more upright and toes would push on toe cap. My problem is solved and don't have this issue anymore, plus my stride has gotten better.

  2. I'm really interested in the mako skates but are these built to fit most foot types or only being marketed that way similar to the ccm ufoam?

    In the promo video it shows them heating the skate with a heat gun, which makes me assume they will be really moldable but will there a special baking oven to replicate the heat of a direct heat gun?

    I'm not very familiar with the mlx skate so that's why I'm not sure if this is just marketing hype of the new skate line...

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