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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by hampshirepuck

  1. I watched that before. The school that she goes to (Applewood) is actually my home school (didn't go haha, sketchy place) and I've been to the rink (Canlan) a few times too...why don't you like it hp?

    just all the whining. i guess its just a conflict of interests, even though she tried super hard, i felt like it wasn't a full effort.

  2. I've seen This is Hell a couple times when they were touring with bands I like, I can not get into them. Crowbar is sweet but I don't like any of the other bands you've listed. However, I use to love Zao but I haven't listened to them since like 2004 and just to be nit-picky in a friendly manor: they're metalcore, not hardcore. Haha.

    I'm into bands like Terror, Bitter End, Cold World, Trapped Under Ice, Alpha & Omega, Blood for Blood, Comeback Kid, Harm's Way, Defeater, etc... so our styles aren't to far off but I've always been extremely picky about my music.

    Huge fan of Blood for Blood, Comeback Kid hasn't been the same since they changed singers.. but still like broadcasting... the lead singer of defeater is one of my friends from my hometown, solid dude. I really like what terror preaches during their live shows

  3. haha same, they had some video and as you said, they were getting drunk on stage and they got better the drunker they got

    haha yeah i think they were quite drunk, pretty funny, pretty sure they probably went out on the town that evening... halifax is a strange city like that, kind of like Portsmouth where I grew up and you see all the presidential candidates randomly...halifax you see famous people when you least expect it... a couple of years ago I was drinking a beer and eating a slice of pizza and saw sidney crosby with the stanley cup on top of a duck tour bus/boat stopped at a red light. sorry to get side tracked but still I am surprised you didn't see the guys from gbs out on the town!

  4. ok moved this to the sweet spot.. by mistake put this in the venting spot! ha

    Saw Great Big Sea last weekend at a free concert in halifax and probably heard one of the best hockey songs I have heard in a long time call Helmet Head

    here is an older video of it

    I was just seventeen, when I made the AHL

    I couldn't skate in junior, but my fists rang like a bell.

    I'll never win a title, and I'll never win the cup,

    But when it comes to ladies, I've had the best of luck.

    My first one was a sly one, hanging round the rink,

    But they sent me off to Cornwall, as fast as you could blink,

    In Moose Jaw I was right in love, the daughter of the coach

    He traded me for nothing, didn't take to my approach.

    So good-bye, fare thee well,

    There's no time for delay,

    You'll see me at the face-off, or catch the play-by-play

    So good-bye, fare thee well,

    I'm glad you shared my bed,

    But never trust a fellow with a helmet on his head.

    Chantal was from Moncton, elle a jouer avec moi.

    A tongue as sharp as razors, but she had a fancy car.

    Her husband was a bruiser, played senior in Quebec,

    If he'd had the rights of it, it would have been my neck.

    Nancy couldn't watch me fight, she'd always be in tears,

    Waving from the bleachers, and screaming in my ears,

    Dee I should have married, and we had a dandy fling,

    But I had a one way contract, blew the money for the ring.

    I should have sent a letter, and it would have been polite,

    But I'm cleaning out my locker, and time is getting tight.

    I'm calling from the station, perhaps another day,

    Cause they're calling up a rookie, and they're trading me away.

  5. hahah realized it was in the venting spot switching to the sweet spot, they all are hockey players the lead singer plays goalie, one of my girlfriend's patients was at a bar in Newfoundland the bar got closed early but the bar tender said he could stay and in walks Great Big Sea and they get s*** faced together and jam out, what a bunch of great guys

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