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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    VH Hockey
  • Gloves
    Eagle Talon
  • Stick
    Warrior Diablo

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    Dublin, CA
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  1. Thanks. I probably should have done this before ordering the new tongues.
  2. Had my VH skates for just over a year now, skating 2-3 times a week. Had been great until recently. Now all of a sudden, just after I lace up, I feel this edge cutting into the top of my right inside ankle. When I start walking to the ice, it hurts a lot and I feel the top edge just above the last eyelet really cutting in. I'm thinking that no way I can last a whole game. I re-lace, adjust, but it's still there. So I skate and luckily it goes away. But its been coming back every time I lace up. I got these Pre-True, so I emailed one of the sales people I bought my skates from VH who forwarded my email to True. They suggested I purchase the Metatarsal tongues as a replacement for $80 USD. (I already paid for my skates last year in USD at full price expecting some good exchange rate - but learned it wasn't going to happen). Hope this fixes it.
  3. Thanks for the tip! Blue loctite is on my list,
  4. Thanks Mickz, yes I have the two washers. When I checked, they were both facing the same way, so I flipped one so that the grooves on the washers faced each other. Didn't help- noticed the runner a little loose at the end of my game again. I read in another post someone had the same issue- and seemed related to the temperature. So I tightened the screw as soon as I got off the ice. Hopefully it will stay lit that after my next game.
  5. Thanks, like the puck idea to keep the top a little open. I'll try that with the hair dryer .
  6. https://dougie360.smugmug.com/Hockey/VH-Hockey/i-pN3DM77/A Just got my pair. Ordered July 4th, received August 3rd. Replacing my 6 year old Graf 735s. Swapped in my existing Step Steel runners with a combo radius of 8'/13' and FBV of 100/50. Since I stayed with Cobra holders, didn't notice much difference switching over. What I really do notice is how STIFF the VH are. Almost like a ski boot. Will have to play around with how tight I lace. Baked in my home oven (convection setting) at about 190, (kept switching between 175 and 200 the only settings I had) and left in for about 12 minutes. But 24 hours after baking, I stepped on the ice and stayed for 2 hours. I could only manage 15 minutes when I had initially gotten my Grafs. Amazing that out of the box these were pretty much good to go. The stiffness though must account for the quick acceleration I'm feeling in my first 3 strides. Just have to get used to skating in a much stiffer skate. Like all others said before, great wrapping, a little harder putting them on and taking off. Also noticed the screw holding my runner on my right skate loosened enough to give me a click sound when I was walking after skating 1 1/2 hours. Never had that happen on my other Cobra holders. May have to try Loctite. - toe cap does not have that strange screw in the middle anymore. nice. - had assumed that I was paying CAD and was surprised to learn I would be paying the USD premium since "they are too small to deal with currency fluctuations..."
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