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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by mirm

  1. Messed up my back a week ago which caused my foot to go numb, good stuff. Took the week off from hockey, my back felt fine, foot was still a little numb but I figured I tried to play last night. I had to leave early because I couldn't do anything: stop, skate backwards, pivot - felt like I'd never been on skates before. I found out that whatever is causing the numbness in my foot is causing loss of muscle strength in my leg. I have two leagues starting up soon, one this week & one in the beginning of April. I'm hoping this doesn't last long...I've been waiting for league play for months.

  2. It has nothing to do with safety, it's just a money grab. I saw a recent study that showed accident rates were up at every one of the surveyed locations after cameras were installed.

    Yep! People slamming on their brakes at a yellow, when they normally just go through it. From what I've heard, police hate RLCs.

  3. I messed up my knee playing kickball last night. Seriously? I slipped on home plate & landed on my knee...HARD. It's still numb.

    And I was worried about getting injured playing hockey.

    I guess the good thing is there is no pick up this week, which forces me to take time off to heal. And I'll have a sweet bruise...

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