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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Only top of the line models. So Nexus 1000.
  2. Correct me if I am mistaken, but would it not make the most sense, and yield the highest results to just have professional foot castings made (assuming this is feasible) and send those to Bauer to have a last built of them. Rather than going through all of the various modifications which are to a certain extent eyeballed and highly susceptible to human error? Or will Bauer only work off "foot castings" if they are made 100% specific to their requirements / only used for Pro's skates (essentially only working off castings, if they themselves, were the ones who created them in St. Jerome.) Just some food for thought, Thanks.
  3. Anyone know what tongue options custom Bauer skates offer, which would most closely resemble the stock tongue found in a retail one100 or One.9? Or something similar to this?
  4. Thanks JR, I am dealing with a fitting situation very similar to a member you assisted earlier, Jeff - http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index.php?/topic/39635-another-gem-from-jrs-custom-shop/page-13. I have very prominent ankle bones, an inner ankle bone that sits way forward (very close to eyelets), and an outside ankle bone which sits way back. Would it also make sense (in conjunction with the comments above) to state on the Additional Comments section, "Cut back both outside ankle bone lacing (top 4 eyelets) by 1/4" and increase inside ankle bone lacing (top 4 eyelets) by 1/4".
  5. If I wanted to have the lacing cut back by 1/4" on the top 2 eyelets ONLY (for skinny ankles), while also increasing lacing by 1/4" on the 3rd and 4th eyelet ...would this kind of modification be possible? Would the Additional comments section have to state something like this... "cut back lacing on top 2 eyelets by 1/4", increase lacing on the 3rd and 4th eyelets by 1/4" ? Thanks
  6. Thanks! You have experience with them? They do great work?
  7. Anyone know of a great fitter of custom skates in the Toronto/GTA area?
  8. what is the stock width of T1, forefoot true E and what is the heel? also just to comment, the stock width of the forefoot in the APX vs x60 feels different to me, IMO APX feels wider
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