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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by BethG

  1. Thanks for posting. His EQ50s fit very well. Never had an issue until now. Fitted/baked @ pro-shop @ rink. Recommended for narrower feet. They are beginning to get small, so he has a 2nd pair for our synthetic ice (Easton S17s) which we have been encouraging him to use but, he doesn't like them as well. (They are newer & slightly larger.) It seems Easton works pretty well for him. I think he needs some sort of insert that will soften up the skate at the heel area. If you feel inside the skate, it is hard as a rock. Plus, his Nikes for running (for PE) don't have any add'l support. Need to add it there too. Maybe all of his shoes. Will see pediatric foot specialist doc Monday @ Georgetown Hospital.
  2. My son (9) has flat feet, some pronation & now what seems to be a moderate case of *planters faciitis*. He has been skating approx 5 days a week (games, power skating, performance clinics, stick & puck) & been running at school to prepare for field day, which I think took him over the edge. The skating alone seemed fine. I have read some of the discussions on this site & I am wondering what kids' skates work best for narrow feet, pronation, & heel issues. We are going to an orthopedic doc @ Georgetown Univ. hospital on Monday since his left heel is slightly swollen & somewhat painful. It just happened out of the blue & we are resting it, though SQUIRT travel try-outs continue tommorow...His current skates are Easton EQ50. I read a little about GRAF custom molded insoles & baking the skates twice. I don't feel I've done enough given I knew his feet were flat. Now I am trying to eliminate his problems before they get worse. He loves hockey! Any suggestions or similar experiences?
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