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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

John Lake

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  1. Seems you have several issues that need to dealt with in order to accomodate your pronation. Starting with your foots arch. Not all skate geometry is alike and manufacturers offer various models, each having their own design traits. Some skates are designed for feet with high and or narrow arches, while others are for flatter, wider instep. A good skate fitter should be able to fit you with the proper skate for your feet. Thats the first step. Sizing is extremely important! The insole plays a major role in positioning your foot within the boot cavity and as we all know, stock insoles leave a lot to be desired and this is where aftermarket products such as SuperFeet come into play. It's unfair to think that a skate manufacturer can supply an insole that fits everyones feet. A good rule of thumb is, if you don't require an orthotic in your regular, everyday footwear, you don't need them in your skates as they (the skates) supply extremely high support and also help with lower extremity alignment. In the late 90's an atricle was written and delivered to the PHATS/SPHEM organizations addressing this topic, by one of the top re-constructive knee surgeons in North America who works with NHL NBA NFL players. Dr Copoloff makes it very clear that blade alignment is critical and that it must be centered under the foot. Moving the holder may help to straighten a protated foot, but in turn places more pressure on the ACL's while doing crossovers. So in reality, you are only trading one problem for a much larger one. In a skate application, pelvic misalignment (causing pronation) is greatly affected by the skate blade specs and mounting location. Omega contouring is the only way to eliminate these variables and reduce stress on the kinetic chain. Summary: properly fitted skates for your foots requirements, install quality insoles, Proper contouring, Still pronate, then see a specialist.
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