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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by mcawesome

  1. The things I would do to have this.

    Agreed. If I had a time machine and could only do 3 things, here's what I would do:

    1. November 1968: Go to Vegas and bet a lot of money on the Mets to win the World Series in 1969.

    2. September 2001: Write an anonymous letter to warn Logan International and Newark International about the 9/11 passengers.

    3. 2004: Use my winnings from the 69 Mets to buy out the stock of Stealths.

  2. Nobody said it was lighter. The R800 isn't a E700 replacement; it's a completely different helmet/concept.

    Which begs the question, why the hell would someone buy it? If it's not lighter, what would be the major selling point? Does it offer more protection? Everything I'm hearing about the E700, plus what I know from owning it, is that it's one of the best, if not the best, helmets on the market.

  3. This is my buddy and myself (on the right) on the bench at Citizens Bank Park a few days after the Winter Classic this year. We were able to rent the ice for $5000 for an hour, but it was worth every penny. I have a few more pics, but this is currently the background on my phone. One of the best hockey days of my life.


  4. Figured I'd finally upload some of my stuff, here's some of my sticks I'm re-taping tonight, kind of an Easton time machine

    From left to right, Stealth 100 flex Forsberg (I think 2005), ST 85 flex Gaborik, EQ50 95 flex (Code 26D315, D means 95 flex, right?) Giroux custom, S19 Pure 100 flex Hall, RS 100 flex Hall.


    Here's a Giroux EQ50, it was donated by an Easton rep to a Chinese auction at the Checking for Charity Benefit last year. I ended up winning the stick because it was awesome. I think Easton was kind of courting Giroux, they made a few sticks for him and this one they ended up not giving to him. Score for me!




  5. Tastykake was having financial problems last year, but they ended up selling to Flowers Foods and they kept the Tastykake factory in Philly. Here's to them going nationwide, because that keeps jobs in Philly and gets their name out there.

    As for Hostess, I'm not sure I've eaten anything of theirs aside from Ding-Dongs (Save your jokes). People making this a big deal that aren't one of the workers being laid-off just look like morons. With the general fatness of our nation being at an all-time high, people still want their fatty foods. It's just embarassing.

  6. I was just very pleasantly surprised that the top of the glove, or your backhand, held up so well. Usually in full contact hockey and even in non contact, after a year or two, you can see tons of marks on that bauer logo and letters, colours get rubbed off etc. Overall I love those pics. Love sticking with what works.

    Oh yea, these were my daily wears. If you look closely on the right glove, near the thumb, there's a little wear and on the BAUER on both gloves, but yea, they've held up well and will look and feel much better with new palms.
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